QGIS Exiftool

Thistagcanbeusedtodescribethenumberofsatellites,theirIDnumber,angleofelevation,azimuth,SNRandotherinformationinASCIInotation.Theformat ...,Geolocation.TheExifformathasstandardtagsforlocationinformation.Asof2014,manycamerasandmobilephoneshaveabuil...。參考影片的文章的如下:


ExifTag.GPSInfo Class

This tag can be used to describe the number of satellites, their ID number, angle of elevation, azimuth, SNR and other information in ASCII notation. The format ...


Geolocation. The Exif format has standard tags for location information. As of 2014, many cameras and mobile phones have a built-in GPS receiver that stores ...

GPS Tags

These GPS tags are part of the EXIF standard, and are stored in a separate IFD within the EXIF information. ExifTool is very flexible about the input format.

Geotagging with ExifTool

The ExifTool geotagging feature adds GPS tags to images based on data from a GPS track log file. The GPS track log file is loaded, and linear interpolation is ...

Standard Exif Tags - Exiv2

GPSInfo, Exif.GPSInfo.GPSSatellites, Ascii, Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements. This tag can be used to describe the number of satellites ...

Use binary exif tag value in GPS Longitude & latitude

Tropy imports an odd value for the exif GPS longitude & latitude. It seems that it takes the text version and strips out all characters except for numbers, ...

How to know if exif gps tag was modified on android?

I have observed that you can change image location from android. How do I know if gps data was modified? I have researched and only got how ...

EXIF Tags for GPS accuracy

Does anyone know the EXIF tags that Metashape looks for when loading in GPS accuracy / error values? I'm having a hard time finding these tags online.

Exif Pilot can edit the folliwing EXIF Gps tags

Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements. This tag can be used to describe the number of satellites, their ID number, angle of elevation, azimuth, SNR ...

Extracting location names from GPS tags

I am looking for a way to take a bunch of GPS-tagged photos and create location names (country, city, landmark etc) for the coordinates into the EXIF.


Thistagcanbeusedtodescribethenumberofsatellites,theirIDnumber,angleofelevation,azimuth,SNRandotherinformationinASCIInotation.Theformat ...,Geolocation.TheExifformathasstandardtagsforlocationinformation.Asof2014,manycamerasandmobilephoneshaveabuilt-inGPSreceiverthatstores ...,TheseGPStagsarepartoftheEXIFstandard,andarestoredinaseparateIFDwithintheEXIFinformation.ExifToolisveryflexibleaboutthein...