
Add Drives to Expand the Storage Pool Capacity

Make sure the storage pool you want to expand is in Healthy status. · Shut down your Synology NAS. · Insert a new drive into an empty drive slot. · Start up your ...

Best way to expand storage on NAS

2023年10月3日 — I have a Synology DS718+ with a 2x4TB storage pool and I'm running out of disk space. Whats the easiest way to expand?

Expand the Volume Size

Go to the General tab and enter the new volume size in the Modify allocated size (GB) field, or click the Max button to automatically fill in the maximum ...

How do I expand the storage pool or volume capacity?

2023年7月24日 — Back up all of your data. · Power off your Synology NAS and then replace all the drives with ones of a larger size. · Power on your Synology NAS ...

How to Expand RAID Pool on Synology NAS

This tutorial covers how to expand the size of a RAID pool on a Synology NAS by adding an addtional drive into the drive pool.


當Synology 1U RackStation 的儲存容量將盡,Synology 擴充裝置RX418 提供了一個輕鬆的解決方案,藉由為系統加上4 顆3.5 或2.5 吋SATA 硬碟,便能擴充容量。Synology RX418 ...

Storage expansion and accessories

Add extra drive bays to your storage with compatible expansion units. To find spare parts, drives, and accessories for expansion units, go to Expansion units.

[Synology擴充櫃(Expansion unit)]DX1222

[Synology/擴充櫃(Expansion)]DX1222(12-bay SATA expansion unit for DS2422+,DS3622xs+)【免運.下單前,煩請電聯(留言),(現貨/預排)】


擴充裝置. 使用相容的擴充裝置,為您的儲存設備增加額外的硬碟槽。 如要尋找擴充裝置適用的備品零件、硬碟和配件,請前往擴充裝置。


MakesurethestoragepoolyouwanttoexpandisinHealthystatus.·ShutdownyourSynologyNAS.·Insertanewdriveintoanemptydriveslot.·Startupyour ...,2023年10月3日—IhaveaSynologyDS718+witha2x4TBstoragepoolandI'mrunningoutofdiskspace.Whatstheeasiestwaytoexpand?,GototheGeneraltabandenterthenewvolumesizeintheModifyallocatedsize(GB)field,orclicktheMaxbuttontoautomaticallyfillinthemaximum ...,2023年7月24日—Backupa...