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Ifyouhavethediscardmountoption,itwillblockeverytimeyoudeleteafile,andthusfiledeletionwilltakefarlonger.Sothatis ...,ItwillslowdownyourdriveasTRIMisappliedconstantly.Abetteroptionwouldbetouse`fstrim`periodically--Iuseitwithasystemdtimer.,Youcanper...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[SOLVED] ext4 discard option not working (fstrim=non

If you have the discard mount option, it will block every time you delete a file, and thus file deletion will take far longer. So that is ...

[SOLVED] whether should I turn on “discard” option for ext4 in LVM ...

It will slow down your drive as TRIM is applied constantly. A better option would be to use `fstrim` periodically -- I use it with a systemd timer.

Chapter 24. Discarding unused blocks

You can perform online block discard operations to automatically discard unused blocks on all supported file systems.

SDB:SSD discard (trim) support

These kernels support realtime discard for ext4 and xfs. To use the kernel realtime discard feature, you must mount with the mount -o discard ... Terminology · Current status · Kernel support · Userland support

Cannot remove mount option discard on an ext4 file system

I tried to turn off TRIM (discard) on my ext4 filesystem, but I did not succeed. I tried to add nodiscard option into /etc/fstab , but I can still see this.

Possible to get SSD TRIM (discard) working on ext4 + LVM + ...

As of 2.6.37, it should be present (source). The kernel doesn't do it in the background, the block discard process is currently designed to be run on demand.

fstrim the discard operation is not supported with ext4 on LVM

Attempting to run fstrim on my root partition (which is ext4 on a LVM logical volume, single physical volume—an SSD supporting TRIM) produces an ...

How does the filesystem (ext4) store TRIM information?

Once you reboot or re-mount the filesystem, it just TRIMs empty space all over again. So this could be an in-memory structure that isn't stored ...

ext4 with discard and fstrim : rlinux

I have discard enabled, but yet fstrim -v tells me it had trimmed some amount of data, which seems to be proportional to the amount of files deleted.

Is discard=async a supported fstab mount option for Ext4 ...

According to ext4(5), ext4 supports discard, but not the async variant. That's a btrfs feature. Weekly fstrims are good enough though, don't ...


Ifyouhavethediscardmountoption,itwillblockeverytimeyoudeleteafile,andthusfiledeletionwilltakefarlonger.Sothatis ...,ItwillslowdownyourdriveasTRIMisappliedconstantly.Abetteroptionwouldbetouse`fstrim`periodically--Iuseitwithasystemdtimer.,Youcanperformonlineblockdiscardoperationstoautomaticallydiscardunusedblocksonallsupportedfilesystems.,Thesekernelssupportrealtimediscardforext4andxfs.Tousethek...