
Access extensions in the chrome

2015年11月24日 — You can do it on your PC by enabling chrome://flags/#extensions-on-chrome-urls and adding the necessary url, chrome://extensions/ ...

Bulk URL Opener Extension

2024年3月17日 — Bulk URL Opener Extension just lets you open multiple URLs at once (in new tabs or windows). Usage: Enter each URL in new line (you can ...

Can you access chrome

2013年9月27日 — 4 Answers 4 ... By default you cannot run on a chrome:// url page. ... Enables running extensions on chrome:// URLs, where extensions explicitly ...

chrome.extension | API

A path to a resource within an extension expressed relative to its install directory. Returns. string. The fully-qualified URL to the resource.




This gives extensions the ability to run scripts on chrome:// URLS, meaning they could have more power over controlling your browser settings, so we warn with ...

Open Multiple URLs

2023年11月27日 — This tool takes a list of web pages in plain-text format and opens them all in new tabs. Paste the list into the text area (one website ...

You are using an unsupported command-line flag: -

2020年1月23日 — To disable the option of extensions-on-chrome-urls , enter chrome://flags/ and enter urls in the search field. You will see this entry:.

您使用的是不受支持的命令行标记: --extensions-on-chrome

2020年7月19日 — 「为什么撩我,看我帅?」我翻了个白眼。在这个夜店里,他确实算是最帅的那个梯队。但我根本不想承认。「你完全不是我的类型,我钓你只是因为你开宾利。」 ...


2015年11月24日—YoucandoitonyourPCbyenablingchrome://flags/#extensions-on-chrome-urlsandaddingthenecessaryurl,chrome://extensions/ ...,2024年3月17日—BulkURLOpenerExtensionjustletsyouopenmultipleURLsatonce(innewtabsorwindows).Usage:EntereachURLinnewline(youcan ...,2013年9月27日—4Answers4...Bydefaultyoucannotrunonachrome://urlpage....Enablesrunningextensionsonchrome://URLs,whereextensionsexplicit...