
Android - Sharing

The Sharing SDK for Android is a component of the Facebook SDK for Android. ... App Store, the description and image included in the share will be ignored.

Android - Sharing - Meta for Developers

Facebook SDK 4.0+ 版包含用於分享內容的新模型。用戶要分享的每一種內容類型都有一個供您用來代表該內容的類別。建立內容的模型之後,請在您 ...

Android Developers - Sharing

Facebook SDK for Android · Model the content that will be shared — for images, construct a SharePhoto ; for videos, construct a ShareVideo . · Add the modeled ...

Facebook Android

2015年10月2日 — I need to share a picture AND a link using Facebook. It seems it's not possible. Is there a definitive answer? Mobile Development Collective.

Getting Started

If you share links, images, or video from your app, declare the FacebookContentProvider authority in the manifest. Do the following: Open the /app/manifests/ ...

How to share image with text on facebook via intent?

2014年3月20日 — The newest Facebook versions doesn't allow you to share text using intents. You have to use the Facebook SDK to do it - to make that simple, ...

Problems with share dialog with Facebook SDK v12v13

2022年6月15日 — What happens if you share the Image to stories directly from gallery (rather than from app)? Is it still stretched horizontally? Docs specify ...

Share multiple photos in facebook in android

Share multiple photos in facebook in android ... Step 2 : create SharePhotoGraph(Activity) like below attached find it. Step 5 : Run execute and watch the output ...

Sharing images with the Facebook SDK

2015年10月19日 — The Facebook JS SDK is powerful, but complicated. Sharing an image is easy, when you know what to do.


TheSharingSDKforAndroidisacomponentoftheFacebookSDKforAndroid....AppStore,thedescriptionandimageincludedinthesharewillbeignored.,FacebookSDK4.0+版包含用於分享內容的新模型。用戶要分享的每一種內容類型都有一個供您用來代表該內容的類別。建立內容的模型之後,請在您 ...,FacebookSDKforAndroid·Modelthecontentthatwillbeshared—forimages,constructaSharePhoto;forvideos,constructaShareVideo.·Addthemodeled .....