FURIOUS 7 Movie Review

Furious7istheguiltypleasureheavenofguiltypleasureactionfilms.Ihavebeensearchingforthesameguiltypleasurefeelinginearly ...,Thecharactersareformulaicandcliche.Thedialogueissometimessillyandhokey.Theactionblowsbelievabilitytosmithereens.But(andthis ...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Furious 7 (2015) Movie Review

Furious 7 is the guilty pleasure heaven of guilty pleasure action films. I have been searching for the same guilty pleasure feeling in early ...

REVIEW: “Furious 7”

The characters are formulaic and cliche. The dialogue is sometimes silly and hokey. The action blows believability to smithereens. But (and this ...

Furious 7 Review

As far as flaws it's a little too long. By the end I was starting to grow less amused with the antics. The quick cuts and shaky cam in some of ...

Film review: Fast and Furious 7 (12A)

But if you like fast cars and non-stop action where you can leave your brain at the door, this delivers on the highest end of the scale.

Furious 7 (2015) - User reviews

To sum up, I have to say that Furious 7 is an entertaining and emotionally charged movie that brings the franchise to a bittersweet chapter. While it may not ...

Furious 7 movie review & film summary (2015)

F7 is really good just as a stand alone action movie. Most of the stunts are really solid. F7 is a GREAT movie if you're a fan of the series. Lots of previous ...

Furious Seven

評分 82% (279) Thanks to James Wan's taut direction, some outstanding performances, gripping action sequences and forever an air of bittersweet love, Furious 7 remains a great ...

Fast and Furious 7 review

Everything about F&F 7 is supersized, from the actors to the running time to the scope of urban destruction. And with this, some of the finesse ...

Furious 7 review: bigger, crazier, and kind of a mess

It is an unstoppable, almost supernatural force that has led me to marathon the entire six-movie set more times than I can count.

Furious 7 Review: Thrilling, Ridiculous, and, Yes, Sad

The last Fast and Furious movie to feature Paul Walker is another rollicking installment, though is of course more than a little bittersweet.


Furious7istheguiltypleasureheavenofguiltypleasureactionfilms.Ihavebeensearchingforthesameguiltypleasurefeelinginearly ...,Thecharactersareformulaicandcliche.Thedialogueissometimessillyandhokey.Theactionblowsbelievabilitytosmithereens.But(andthis ...,Asfarasflawsit'salittletoolong.BytheendIwasstartingtogrowlessamusedwiththeantics.Thequickcutsandshakycaminsomeof ...,Butifyoulikefastcarsandnon-st...