Browser comparison: 2015 edition
We present an updated comparison between the four most popular browsers for their loading speed, memory usage, and performance.
By the Numbers: the Fastest Browser
Google's Chrome hit the world with blazing speed, but is it still the fastest browser, or have IE, Firefox, and Opera caught up? The answer might surprise you.
Firefox is the fastest browser
In benchmarks Safari was clearly faster, but with actual usage Chromium based browsers were feeling more „snappier” and faster. Upvote
Opera-The fastest browser!
The Opera 10.50 browser also includes an updated version of the company's Turbo technology, offering faster browsing on limited networks than ...
The best web browser of 2015: Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE ...
From our testing, Chrome and Firefox topped the Speedometer and WebXPRT tests, respectively. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Google was the fastest browser under the Google-authored Octane 2.0 benchmark. But Microsoft's Edge led the pack in the Jet Stream b