
Facebook Apps - Extensions, Apps & Scripts for FB

Facebook Friend Remover App helps you find & delete inactive friends in your friends list. Fast & easily unfriend a few or remove all at once.


Developed by FbLeadApp team. ✓ We developed browser addons, plugins and extensions that helps individuals, business solve their problems in Facebook more ...

Friend Remover PRO

Friend Remover PRO App可帮助您在Facebook上快速轻松地查找和删除不活动的朋友。 Friend Remover PRO是同类中唯一一款可以一键删除多个FB好友或取消所有 ...

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Mass Friends Deleter - Friends Remover

Easily manage your FB friends list. Unfriend a group of friends. Remove all friends on Facebook in one click.

Facebook tracker

Please stop using facebook trackers on your site. I have paid $$$ and expect that you not sell any data about me. I set my browser to request not to be tracked, ...

Group Invite All Friends 2016 Extension for Chrome

Group Invite All Friends 2016 Extension for Chrome. A Free Social & Communication Extension. Published By fbleadapp.com. Download. Download.

Friend Remover PRO

Friend Remover PRO is the only app of its kind that can remove several FB friends or unfriend all in one click.

fbleadapp.com at WI. Facebook Apps

fbleadapp.com information at Website Informer. Facebook Apps - Extensions, Apps & Scripts for FB - Facebook Invite All Friends to Events or Page - Friend ...


Develop a graphic method for encrypted communication. In your project, consider past forms of codes and ciphers (Hobo alphabets, military encryption methods), ...


FacebookFriendRemoverApphelpsyoufind&deleteinactivefriendsinyourfriendslist.Fast&easilyunfriendafeworremoveallatonce.,DevelopedbyFbLeadAppteam.✓Wedevelopedbrowseraddons,pluginsandextensionsthathelpsindividuals,businesssolvetheirproblemsinFacebookmore ...,FriendRemoverPROApp可帮助您在Facebook上快速轻松地查找和删除不活动的朋友。FriendRemoverPRO是同类中唯一一款可以一键删除多个FB好友或取消...