
Resize VM partition without erasing data

I want to resize a partition from a virtual machine without erasing any data. I only have access to this VM via SSH, so I am not able to run a live CD.

Shrink a partition without losing data

If you're trying to shrink the / partition (or something that is essential to be mounted), just boot from a liveCD and then run gparted.

A Step-by

How to Extend Linux Partition · Method 1: Use FDISK resize partition without losing data · Method 2: Use the Resize2fs Utility · Method 3: Run the GParted ... Method 1: Use FDISK resize... · Method 3: Run the GParted...

Extend linux partition size without losing any data techniques

On a running system, run fdisk and carefully observe where the partition starts ( p ). Then remove it ( d ), and create ( n ) larger one on its ...

Resize partition at VPS without losing data

There is a utility named growpart that will safely grow partitions once your provider has expanded your virtual disk.

How to resize the static partition in Linux without losing your data?

Use resize2fs tool for grow/shrink the partiton: The resize2fs is a command-line utility that allows you to resize ext2, ext3, or ext4 file systems.

Resize partition with fdisk without data loss

There is NO way to change partition size, you must delete it and create a new one, and creating new partition does not change allocated space.

How do I resize a partition in Ubuntu linux without losing data?

I've resized my partition successfully without the loss of any data using the method described here, which generally is about deleting the ...

How is it possible to change the size of an existing partition in Linux ...

Here are three ways of resizing a parititon without deleting existing data, including extend partition, shrink parititon, move parititon, split a parititon ...

Resize root partition without losing data? : rlinux4noobs

I think the gparted program can do it. There is a live version of this, and it's also on Ubuntu and also in the Debian repo. The thing about it.


Iwanttoresizeapartitionfromavirtualmachinewithouterasinganydata.IonlyhaveaccesstothisVMviaSSH,soIamnotabletorunaliveCD.,Ifyou'retryingtoshrinkthe/partition(orsomethingthatisessentialtobemounted),justbootfromaliveCDandthenrungparted.,HowtoExtendLinuxPartition·Method1:UseFDISKresizepartitionwithoutlosingdata·Method2:UsetheResize2fsUtility·Method3:RuntheGParted ...Method1:UseFDISKresize...·Method...