
Ready, set… Files Go! A faster way to clean up, find and share files ...

Introducing Files Go, an app that takes a mobile-first approach to freeing up space, finding files faster and easily sharing them with ...

Files Go Beta: Free up space on your phone

With it, you can not only check which files take the most space and clean them, but to find the duplicates or the files that remain after the removal of certain ...

Files by Google

評分 4.5 (8,323,415) · 免費 · Android Easily see how much space is left on your device, SD card and USB drive. Free up space by finding old photos from chat apps, duplicate files, clearing cache, ...

Free up space

Clear cache: Deletes temporary data. Some apps may be slow the next time you open them. · Clear storage: Permanently deletes all app data. Try to delete the data ...

Files by Google 1.0.176012205 beta

Files Go Beta helps clean up space on your phone and keeps it organized. Recommends rarely-used apps to remove so your phone stays speedy.

Google Files Go beta lets you free up space on your Android phone

It is a smart file manger that lets you manage your files or filter them by source and also lets you free up space on your phone by cleaning unused apps.

Clean Up Your Android Phone With Google 'Files Go' App

Google's Files Go, an app intended to clear out your phone clutter, is no longer in beta. The storage manager app, which Google calls a ...

Files Go by Google: new features, let us know your thoughts!

Our team just added a bunch of new features to Files Go, Google's storage cleaning, file browsing and offline sharing app for Android. Including ...

Files Go by Google: Free up space on your phone

Files Go is a new storage manager that helps you free up space on your phone, find files faster, and share them easily offline with others.

How to free up space on Android in 60 seconds

Open the Google Files app. · Tap the three-line menu icon in the upper-left corner, and select Clean from the menu that pops up. · Look through ...


IntroducingFilesGo,anappthattakesamobile-firstapproachtofreeingupspace,findingfilesfasterandeasilysharingthemwith ...,Withit,youcannotonlycheckwhichfilestakethemostspaceandcleanthem,buttofindtheduplicatesorthefilesthatremainaftertheremovalofcertain ...,評分4.5(8,323,415)·免費·AndroidEasilyseehowmuchspaceisleftonyourdevice,SDcardandUSBdrive.Freeupspacebyfindingoldphotosfromchatapps,duplicatefil...