
How to Disable Automatic Updates in Firefox

Below are instructions for how to turn off automatic updates in Mozilla Firefox and how to disable the feature altogether.

Disable browser extension automatic updates

In Firefox, click the Open application menu icon , then select Add-ons and themes > Extensions. · Click the Tools for all add-ons icon and disable the update Add ...

disable auto update in firefox using linux command line

disable auto update in firefox using linux command line · 1. Software is (usually and preferably) installed and updated on Linux systems using ...

Firefox how to stop automatic updates?

Type “about:config” in the Firefox address bar then press “Enter“. Search for the app.update.auto setting. Double-click the “app.update.auto” option to toggle ...

Disable or control upgrading of Firefox

You can disable automatic updates. It seems not to be in the settings, so you need to go to about:config (you write that in the address bar).

Disable Firefox auto update requests

Here is how you can turn off Auto Updates on Firefox from Windows: Run Regedit in windows (Must have admin right) Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > ...

Completely disable Firefox update on Ubuntu

I am using Firefox on an old Ubuntu machine, and found myself unable to disable the auto update feature of Firefox.

How do I disable automatic updates in firefox?

You can disable automatic updates via the AppAutoUpdate policy.

How to permanently disable FireFox updating...

Close Firefox before proceeding. Launch Windows Registry Editor. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-Software-Policies

How to shut firefox up about updates

1. Click the menu button and select Options.Preferences. 2. In the General panel, scroll down to the Firefox Updates section. 3. Check Never check for updates.


BelowareinstructionsforhowtoturnoffautomaticupdatesinMozillaFirefoxandhowtodisablethefeaturealtogether.,InFirefox,clicktheOpenapplicationmenuicon,thenselectAdd-onsandthemes>Extensions.·ClicktheToolsforalladd-onsiconanddisabletheupdateAdd ...,disableautoupdateinfirefoxusinglinuxcommandline·1.Softwareis(usuallyandpreferably)installedandupdatedonLinuxsystemsusing ...,Type“about:config”intheFir...