

Memory Cache is a project that allows you to save a webpage while you're browsing in Firefox as a PDF, and save it to a synchronized folder that can be used ...

Increase memory available to Firefox

To get rid of lagging and video stuttering in Firefox type about:config in the Firefox address bar and change the following preferences.

how to increase cache size

Type about:config into the address bar, press Enter, accept the warning, scroll down the alphabetical list to browser.cache.disk.smart_size.enabled and double ...

How to clear the Firefox cache

The Firefox cache temporarily stores parts of websites you visit. Learn how to clear it to fix issues with how websites work or look.

Switched browser cache from disk (SSD) to RAM ...

The answer as to why it's like that is because internally disk cache includes by default memory cache. The result is a slightly irrelevant about:cache page.

How can cache audiovideo files from mozilla-temp

Change Cache Settings: In your Firefox browser, type about:config in the address bar and press Enter. Accept the warning and search for browser.

FirefoxProfile on RAM

Assuming that there is memory to spare, placing Firefox's cache or complete profile to RAM offers significant advantages.

[INFO]SSD owners

Set Firefox to use memory cache (thusly): 1. open up about:config (type it into the url bar) 2. type browser.cache into the filter bar at the top.

force Firefox to use MORE memory?

Most people want to force Firefox to use less memory, I'm in the unusual situation of having more memory than I need.

How to limit size of Firefox cache, and to what? (browser ...

Just built a brand new PC, and went surfing for a couple of days when I noticed Firefox' cache was already up to 1GB in size.


MemoryCacheisaprojectthatallowsyoutosaveawebpagewhileyou'rebrowsinginFirefoxasaPDF,andsaveittoasynchronizedfolderthatcanbeused ...,TogetridoflaggingandvideostutteringinFirefoxtypeabout:configintheFirefoxaddressbarandchangethefollowingpreferences.,Typeabout:configintotheaddressbar,pressEnter,acceptthewarning,scrolldownthealphabeticallisttobrowser.cache.disk.smart_size.enabledanddouble ...,TheFi...