
21.10 Firefox Missing Profiles

I had the same issue. Here is what I did to quickly fix this issue. Uninstall firefox snap with: sudo snap remove firefox.

Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible ...

Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible. Attempting to launch Firefox from dmenu or terminal produces this error.

[SOLVED] Firefox Profile Missing Or Inaccessible

[SOLVED] Firefox Profile Missing Or Inaccessible · Removed the distribution FF, deleted the ~.mozilla folder, and reinstalled. Get the same error ...

Selenium geckodriver: profile missing

The problem is that firefox is installed by default with snap. The solution has been to uninstall firefox and install it without snap. Here is a link to do ...

Why is firefox complaining that it can't open my profile?

Most of the solutions I've found online boil down to delete your profiles and re-create them, but I've done that without success. Absent a ...

Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or ...

This error message usually indicates that the files Firefox uses to identify your default profile point to a nonexistent folder.

How to run Firefox when your profile is missing or inaccessible

It may be missing or inaccessible it usually means that Firefox can't find or access the profile folder. This article explains what to do if you see this error.


Ihadthesameissue.HereiswhatIdidtoquicklyfixthisissue.Uninstallfirefoxsnapwith:sudosnapremovefirefox.,Firefoxprofilecannotbeloaded.Itmaybemissingorinaccessible.AttemptingtolaunchFirefoxfromdmenuorterminalproducesthiserror.,[SOLVED]FirefoxProfileMissingOrInaccessible·RemovedthedistributionFF,deletedthe~.mozillafolder,andreinstalled.Getthesameerror ...,Theproblemisthatfirefoxisinstalledbydefaultw...