High quality, precision crafted flight sim yokes for specific aircraft simulation needs. From single engine prop to jetliner, you'll find your yoke here.
A Flight Simulator Yoke - often referred to as steering wheel or control column - plays a crucial role in creating a realistic and immersive flight simulator ...
評分 3.7 (79) Logitech G Flight yoke system delivers an unmatched cockpit experience with five total axes, stainless steel elevator and aileron control shaft.
Find flight simulator yokes, throttles, rudder pedals and any other flight simulator gear to create your personal flight simulator. Flight Simulator Controls... · Logitech G Saitek Pro Flight... · Honeycomb
供應中 評分 5.0 (1) VirtualFly has the best Yoke, the YOKO+ with an 8-Way HAT Switch, Hall Effect Contactless Sensors and more precision. Ready to fly with The Yoke?