
Aircraft flight control system

A conventional fixed-wing aircraft flight control system (AFCS) consists of flight control surfaces, the respective cockpit controls, connecting linkages, ...

Flight Controls

Aircraft flight controls are the means by which a pilot controls the direction and attitude of an aircraft in flight.


A double lever in an aircraft control system used to change the direction of motion. Bell cranks are normally used in aileron controls and in the steering.

Introduction to flight controls

A pilot uses flight control systems to control the forces of flight and the aircraft's direction and attitude.

Autopilot and Flight Control Systems

BAE Systems set to design, develop, and integrate a fly-by-wire flight control system, including active inceptors, for the new AS2 aircraft.

Flight Controls - operation of aircraft systems

Flight control systems govern the necessary inputs to manipulate control surfaces for the pilot to control the aircraft.

the evolution of flight control systems technology development ...

The purpose of this report is to review the journey of aircraft control systems as they have evolved through these generations.

Flight Control - an overview

The flight control system (FCS) is a mechanical/electrical system that transmits the control signal and drives the surface to realize the scheduled flight ...

Flight Control Systems for Unmanned Aircraft

Flight control systems are the integrated technologies and mechanisms that manage an unmanned aircraft's orientation, trajectory, and stability during flight.


Aconventionalfixed-wingaircraftflightcontrolsystem(AFCS)consistsofflightcontrolsurfaces,therespectivecockpitcontrols,connectinglinkages, ...,Aircraftflightcontrolsarethemeansbywhichapilotcontrolsthedirectionandattitudeofanaircraftinflight.,Adoubleleverinanaircraftcontrolsystemusedtochangethedirectionofmotion.Bellcranksarenormallyusedinaileroncontrolsandinthesteering.,Apilotusesflightcontrolsys...