72001-0101,FLIRC2CompactThermalImagingSystem.$499.00.,供應中Sub-$1000exGSTMSRPfitseveryone'sbudgettohelpputthispowerfultoolintothehandsofmorepeoplewhocanreallyuseit·FLIRToolsprofessional ...,評分5.0(16)FlirThermalCameraC2/portablePocketSizeInfrar...。參考影片的文章的如下:


FLIR C2 Compact Thermal Imaging System

72001-0101, FLIR C2 Compact Thermal Imaging System. $499.00.

FLIR C2 Compact Thermal Imaging System - Rapid

供應中 Sub-$1000 ex GST MSRP fits everyone's budget to help put this powerful tool into the hands of more people who can really use it · FLIR Tools professional ...

Wholesale flir c2 For Effective Temperature Measurement

評分 5.0 (16) Flir Thermal Camera C2/portable Pocket Size Infrared Image Camera/Hot Sale High Cost Performance Flir Thermal Camera. $530.00-600.00. Min. order: 1 piece.

FLIR C2 Teledyne FLIR

FLIR C2 Teledyne FLIR Thermal Imaging Cameras Pocket Portable MSX ... Qty. Unit Price. Ext. Price. 1, $499.99, $499.99. ×. Packaging Choice. Some options ...

FLIR C2 Compact Thermal Imaging System

供應中 評分 4.5 (24) Flir 894010202 C5 Compact Thermal Camera · $599.99 New · $575.00 Used ...

FLIR Pocket Thermal Camera : Industrial & Scientific

評分 4.2 (687) 30 seconds of research will tell you what this camera will do well and what it will not do well. Why would the $650 model perform the same as the $25,000 one?

FLIR c2的價格推薦- 2025年2月

【台北益昌】FLIR C3 Wi-Fi+觸控熱像儀口袋型熱感應攝影機C2進階. 折扣後價格$27945. $28,000. 價格持平. 樂天市場icon. 樂天市場. 台北益昌電動工具建材五金百貨.

FLIR C2 Compact Thermal Imager with MSX, 4800 Pixels (80 x 60)

評分 4.7 (3) This compact thermal imager features FLIR's MSX Technology, an 80 x 60 thermal resolution, and -10 to 150°C temperature range.

FLIR Thermal Imaging Camera 72001

供應中 The FLIR C2 is a budget pocket-sized thermal camera with fully radiometric thermal capabilities that's ideal for a wide range of applications.

FLIR C2 Compact Thermal Camera - HP

FLIR C2 Compact Thermal Camera · Sale · Regular price $499.99 ...


72001-0101,FLIRC2CompactThermalImagingSystem.$499.00.,供應中Sub-$1000exGSTMSRPfitseveryone'sbudgettohelpputthispowerfultoolintothehandsofmorepeoplewhocanreallyuseit·FLIRToolsprofessional ...,評分5.0(16)FlirThermalCameraC2/portablePocketSizeInfraredImageCamera/HotSaleHighCostPerformanceFlirThermalCamera.$530.00-600.00.Min.order:1piece.,FLIRC2TeledyneFLIRThermalImagingCamerasPocketPortableMSX......