
Windows .exe

I am trying to force update my ftb client - it downloads the modpack which is about 25-35mb in about 5-7 mins but when it comes to downloading ...

The ftb launcher is extremely slow when launching

Restart your PC. Turn off all programs that may start up on system reboot (Skype, Steam, etc.) Launch FTB. Open the modpack, do not start a game ...

Very Slow download speeds

Restart your computer and try again. Does this also happen with other mod packs or just this one? Do you have any antivirus / or other security ...

Slow Download Speed (Fixed and Tutorial)

Here is a fix to anyone needing help! In your Options tab, check in the Advanced Options to change your download location to a local-to-you location.

Slow download speeds.

No matter what pack i download it goes at a insanely slow speed. i have the technic launcher enabled in my firewall. its weird because out of atlauncher and ...


I was able to get it to work after clearing my cache in the settings, then closing ftb and overwolf and relaunching. Hope this works for you too ...

Very slow download in app · Issue #1174 · FTBTeamFTB

Describe the bug. When downloading modpacks, the download speed is extremaly low. Steps to reproduce. download a modpack. Expected behaviour.

Minecraft Launcher downloading far too slow.

The download speed on the launcher seems to be about 3mb per/s and it's taken about 10 minutes to download 4mbs out of a 300 mb download. This is far too slow.

Really slow download speed : rfeedthebeast

I have some very slow download speed where I live, but I've noticed curseforge still isn't using nearly all of the download speed I have ...

Really slow downloading speed! : rfeedthebeast

Check your router settings, especially QoS. My desktop was being throttled to 1 Mbps before I disabled QoS. Upvote 1. Downvote Reply reply


Iamtryingtoforceupdatemyftbclient-itdownloadsthemodpackwhichisabout25-35mbinabout5-7minsbutwhenitcomestodownloading ...,RestartyourPC.Turnoffallprogramsthatmaystartuponsystemreboot(Skype,Steam,etc.)LaunchFTB.Openthemodpack,donotstartagame ...,Restartyourcomputerandtryagain.Doesthisalsohappenwithothermodpacksorjustthisone?Doyouhaveanyantivirus/orothersecurity ...,Hereisafixtoanyoneneedinghelp!I...