
German I | Global Studies and Languages

This course gives an introduction to German language and culture. The focus is on acquisition of vocabulary and grammatical concepts through active ...

Learning German

The Goethe-Institut offers German language courses / exams in over 90 countries. Practice your German free of charge with a diverse range of online exercises.

Open German courses: https:carl-duisberg-language

Our intensive courses offer a comprehensive approach to learning German for your professional needs, studies, school or personal environment. With short-term ...

German courses - A1–C2 - Goethe

The Goethe-Institut offers a wide range of German language courses and German language training programmes – for all language levels and requirements.

German Open Courseware

The purpose of this programme is to allow you to practise and revise certain aspects of German grammar in a highly targeted and economic fashion. In this new ...

German Courses | Languages

German degrees, diplomas and certificates at The Open University. Study a German course, from beginners' to intermediate courses.

Beginners German 1 | Open University

This 16-unit short course takes you on a journey to German speaking countries and introduces you to the linguistic skills you need to communicate effectively ...

Free online German courses | OpenLearn

Free online German courses · Getting started with German 1 · Getting started with German 2 · Getting started with German 3 · Beginners' German: ...

Beginners' German: Places and people | OpenLearn

This OpenLearn course will give you the opportunity to develop language skills which will help you to cope in a range of situations.

Free online German lessons with audio

Learn German with these fun online German lessons. Get an introduction to German grammar and vocabulary as you follow our hero Jens on his adventures.


ThiscoursegivesanintroductiontoGermanlanguageandculture.Thefocusisonacquisitionofvocabularyandgrammaticalconceptsthroughactive ...,TheGoethe-InstitutoffersGermanlanguagecourses/examsinover90countries.PracticeyourGermanfreeofchargewithadiverserangeofonlineexercises.,OurintensivecoursesofferacomprehensiveapproachtolearningGermanforyourprofessionalneeds,studies,schoolorpersonalenvironment.Withsho...