

Getting Go: The Go Doc Project

Getting Go: The Go Doc Project is a 2013 pseudo-documentary film written and directed by Cory James Krueckeberg. Getting Go: The Go Doc Project.

Getting Go: The Go Doc Project

College boy, Doc (Tanner Cohen, Were The World Mine) is obsessed with a well-known NYC go-go dancer, nicknamed Go (Matthew Camp).

Getting Go: The Go Doc Project [DVD] : 電影和電視

評分 4.4 (517) College boy Doc (Tanner Cohen, Were The World Mine) is obsessed with a well-known NYC go-go dancer, nicknamed Go (Matthew Camp). He befriends his hunky crush ...

Getting Go: The Go Doc Project [DVD]

評分 4.4 (516) College boy Doc (Tanner Cohen, Were The World Mine) is obsessed with a well-known NYC go-go dancer, nicknamed Go (Matthew Camp). He befriends his hunky crush ...

Getting Go, the Go Doc Project (2013)

評分 6.1/10 (146) Doc, a recent college graduate, has fallen for a Go-Go dancer in New York City's nightlife scene. Doc devises a plan to meet Go by pretending he wants him to be ...

Getting Go, the Go Doc Project (2013)

評分 6.9/10 (3,160) A shy but smitten college boy pursues a NY go-go boy through the pretext of making a documentary film about him, with the guys knowing each other only as ... Tanner Cohen, Matthew Camp · Full Cast & Crew ·

Getting Go: The Go Doc Project

評分 6.9/10 (3,156) After becoming infatuated with a beautiful New York go-go dancer, college boy Doc devises a plan to get close to his crush by asking him to be the main ...

Getting Go The Go Doc Project

The movie stars the adorable, almond-eyed Tanner Cohen as Doc, and Matthew Camp as the sexy and seductive Go.


GettingGo:TheGoDocProjectisa2013pseudo-documentaryfilmwrittenanddirectedbyCoryJamesKrueckeberg.GettingGo:TheGoDocProject.,Collegeboy,Doc(TannerCohen,WereTheWorldMine)isobsessedwithawell-knownNYCgo-godancer,nicknamedGo(MatthewCamp).,評分4.4(517)CollegeboyDoc(TannerCohen,WereTheWorldMine)isobsessedwithawell-knownNYCgo-godancer,nicknamedGo(MatthewCamp).Hebefriendshishunkycrush ...,評分4.4(516)Col...