
GIPHY Capture. The GIF Maker 4+ - Mac App Store

評分 4.5 (21) · 免費 GIPHY Capture is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. This free app is simple, powerful, and easy enough for pretty much anyone. CAPTURE INSTANTLY.

Gif Capture (Redisant) - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

GifCapture can capture an area of your desktop and save it directly to .GIF.

Giphy Capture Windows for Making GIF - DemoCreator

It's a screenshot program for PC that lets you capture rapid screenshots and modify them online or in the app. This Windows GIF creation tool is ideal for ...

Top 17 alternatives to GIPHY Capture. The GIF Maker for Windows

Honeycam is animated GIF maker and editor software. Users can capture their computer screen and save it as GIF, WebP, WebM. Download · Alternatives to Honeycam ...

GIPHY Capture

GIPHY CAPTURE is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. Simple, powerful, free, and easy enough for pretty much everyone and even a few small mammals.

6 Recommended Alternatives to Giphy Capture for Windows

Giphy Capture is a simple and helpful tool developed to record screen and turn it into GIF file with just a few clicks.

Top 5 GIPHY Capture Alternatives for Windows to Record a GIF

Top 5 GIPHY Capture Alternatives for Windows to Record a GIF · #1. ScreenToGif · #2. Captura · #3. Recordit · #4. ShareX · #5. Monosnap.

How To Use GIPHY Capture - Giflytics

1. Download from the App Store and open GIPHY Capture. · 2. Adjust the size of your GIPHY Capture frame to fit the video or window you want to record. · 3. Record ...

GIPHY Capture

GIPHY CAPTURE is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. Simple, powerful, free, and easy enough for pretty much everyone and even a few small mammals.


Free screen recorder tool, which lets you record, edit and save as a gif, video or other formats.


評分4.5(21)·免費GIPHYCaptureisthebestwaytocreateGIFsonyourMac.Thisfreeappissimple,powerful,andeasyenoughforprettymuchanyone.CAPTUREINSTANTLY.,GifCapturecancaptureanareaofyourdesktopandsaveitdirectlyto.GIF.,It'sascreenshotprogramforPCthatletsyoucapturerapidscreenshotsandmodifythemonlineorintheapp.ThisWindowsGIFcreationtoolisidealfor ...,HoneycamisanimatedGIFmakerandeditorsoftware.Userscancaptur...

【Mac】 GIF Brewery 3 螢幕錄製 GIF 的簡單工具

【Mac】 GIF Brewery 3 螢幕錄製 GIF 的簡單工具
