How to Make Your Github Repository Private for Free ...

OnGitHub,navigatetothemainpageoftherepository.·Abovethelistoffiles,usingtheAddfiledrop-down,clickCreatenewfile.·Inthefilenamefield, ...,Ontheleftsideofthepage,underAddalicensetoyourproject,reviewtheavailablelicenses,thenselectalicensefromthelist....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Adding a license to a repository

On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository. · Above the list of files, using the Add file drop-down, click Create new file. · In the file name field, ...

Adding a license to a repository

On the left side of the page, under Add a license to your project, review the available licenses, then select a license from the list. Click Review and submit ...

Managing your license for GitHub Enterprise

If you host a GitHub Enterprise Server instance, you must unlock the instance with a license file. You can view, manage, and update the license file. About ...

Licensing a repository

For your repository to truly be open source, you'll need to license it so that others are free to use, change, and distribute the software.

How to change LICENSE for a repository? #23555

you can open the license file, then select edit this file from drop down menu of edit, on the upper right side you will see Choose a license ...

If I change the license of my project, can someone use the old ...

Open source licenses are generally irrevocable. Once you publish something under a license, you can relicense future versions but cannot retroactively change ...

Replace file ( in git history safely

I have a repository hosted on GitHub in which I want to replace my LICENSE file with another LICENSE file in the git history.

How to change the license for a project at Github?

I have created a simple list API in C and I want to release it via Github. Is there any way to change the license after the creation of the repository?

Github project. Are license changes retroactive? License ...

No, these changes are not retroactive and if you retrieve a copy of the code from before the change, this can be used and redistributed under ...

Change Existing Repo License on GitHub

Everyone should use at least some kind of license, but if you ever find yourself needing to change it, it can be at least a little confusing ...


OnGitHub,navigatetothemainpageoftherepository.·Abovethelistoffiles,usingtheAddfiledrop-down,clickCreatenewfile.·Inthefilenamefield, ...,Ontheleftsideofthepage,underAddalicensetoyourproject,reviewtheavailablelicenses,thenselectalicensefromthelist.ClickReviewandsubmit ...,IfyouhostaGitHubEnterpriseServerinstance,youmustunlocktheinstancewithalicensefile.Youcanview,manage,andupdatethelicensefile.A...