
GIVEAWAY翻譯:免費,(給顧客的)贈品,表現,顯露(某人)的感情;暴露(某人)的內心世界,(價格)低廉的。了解更多。,GIVEAWAY的意思、解釋及翻譯:1.somethingthatisgivenfreetoacustomer2.somethingthattellsorshowssomethingsecret…。了解更多。,giveaway例句.They'regivingawayfreeicecreamattheparktoday!Igaveawaymyoldcollegetextbookstoasecondhandbookshop.我把我以前大學的課本送給 ...,WORDS精選.giveaway意思.giv...


GIVEAWAY翻譯:免費, (給顧客的)贈品, 表現, 顯露(某人)的感情;暴露(某人)的內心世界, (價格)低廉的。了解更多。


GIVEAWAY的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. something that is given free to a customer 2. something that tells or shows something secret…。了解更多。

give away (【片語動詞】贈送, 捐贈)意思、用法及發音

give away 例句. They're giving away free ice cream at the park today! I gave away my old college textbooks to a secondhand bookshop. 我把我以前大學的課本送給 ...

giveaway (【名詞】) 意思、用法及發音

WORDS精選. giveaway 意思. giveaway. /ˈɡɪvəweɪ/. 名詞. giveaway 例句. He tried to act like he wasn't nervous, but his shaking hands were a dead giveaway.


giveaway · n. 洩露;贈品 · adj. 洩露真相的;贈送的,贈獎的 ...

giveaway 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

US /ˈɡɪvəˌwe/. ・. UK /ˈgɪvəweɪ/. C2 高級. 定義 影片字幕. n. 洩漏;免費樣品. Footer. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play. 關於.


其實Giveaway 是指「贈品」,我們街頭或購物時收到的試用包,就叫做giveaway。發贈品、抽獎、禮券這類的促銷方案都算giveaway ideas。


其實Giveaway是指「贈品」,我們街頭或購物時收到的試用包,就叫做giveaway。發贈品、抽獎、禮券這類的促銷方案都算giveaway ideas。 Do you have any giveaway ideas?


Giveaway? Cathy心理想,難道是要丟掉什麼嗎?其實Giveaway是指「贈品」,我們街頭或購物時收到的試用包,就叫做giveaway。發贈品、抽獎、禮券這類的促銷方案都算giveaway ...

GIVEAWAY Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of GIVEAWAY is an unintentional revelation or betrayal. How to use giveaway in a sentence.