
Change Gmail notifications

Turn notifications on or off. If you have multiple accounts in the Gmail app, you need to change this setting for each account. Turn on notifications. By ...

Change Gmail notifications - Android

Step 2: Check Gmail app notification settings. Important: If you have multiple accounts in the Gmail app, change the app notification settings for each account.

Getting notifications from only one of two Gmail accounts

2019年12月8日 — Up till yesterday, I was getting email notifications for both the accounts from the Gmail app, as expected. Since yesterday, with no change ...

Gmail Checker

Get notifications for multiple Gmail accounts, and read or delete email without opening Gmail. This extension provides a fast track to access google mail ...

How do I disable notifications for a second Gmail account?

2013年2月10日 — Open Gmail; Tap the Overflow menu (three vertical dots) and select Settings; Tap the account for which you don't want to get notifications ...

How To Manage Multiple Gmail Accounts (With Benefits)

2023年7月6日 — Another way to manage multiple accounts is to turn on email notifications. You can tell the application to notify you when you receive an email, ...

Two Gmail accounts

2022年7月12日 — Hello everyone, I'm experiencing a hard time with my Gmail app, I use iPhone and I have two Gmail accounts hooked on the app - one personal ...

When you have 2 Gmail accounts in Android, only one ...

2019年9月11日 — Hello, Open second one account which notification not showing you then goto settings enable notifications and etc.


Turnnotificationsonoroff.IfyouhavemultipleaccountsintheGmailapp,youneedtochangethissettingforeachaccount.Turnonnotifications.By ...,Step2:CheckGmailappnotificationsettings.Important:IfyouhavemultipleaccountsintheGmailapp,changetheappnotificationsettingsforeachaccount.,,2019年12月8日—Uptillyesterday,IwasgettingemailnotificationsforboththeaccountsfromtheGmailapp,asexpected.Sinceyesterday,withnoc...