Godfather Death by Sally Nicholls & Julia Sarda



Godfather Death 死神教父 - 怪女孩‧蛻變中


Godfather Death

Godfather Death (German: Der Gevatter Tod) is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm and first published in 1812 (KHM 44). It is a tale of Aarne ...

Grimm 044

Death appeared as he had promised, and served as godfather in an orderly manner. After the boy came of age his godfather appeared to him one day and asked him ...

Godfather Death: Sally Nicholls, Júlia Sardà

評分 4.7 (12) When a poor fisherman chooses Death to be godfather to his son, he's sure he's made a good choice – for surely there's no man more honest than Death?


書名:Godfather Death, M.D.,語言:英文,ISBN:9781734280357,頁數:430,作者:Devlin, Jacob,出版日期:2024/01/09,類別:青少年閱讀(13-18歲)

Godfather Death

作者, Sally Nicholls. 出版社, WALKER BOOKS LIMITED. 商品描述, Godfather Death:得獎作家莎莉‧妮柯絲重新詮釋觸動人心的格林童話《死神教父》貧窮的漁夫選擇死神作 ...

Godfather Death by Sally Nicholls

評分 4.5 (643) · A short, horror story about a man who chooses Death as a godfather for his newborn son. The newly-minted godfather gives the new father a gift ...

Godfather Death - Grimm

2025/02/17 Fairy tale: Godfather Death - A fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. A poor man had twelve children and had to work day and night in order just to ...

Godfather Death

Death behaved as if he were going to fulfill his wish, and took hold of a tall new candle; but as he desired to revenge himself, he purposely made a mistake in ...

Godfather Death Short Story in English for Kids

評分 4.2 (373,000) It is a story about a man who chooses Death as his youngest son's godfather and how the actions of the youngest son led him to his doom. This article strives to ...


有一個可憐的男人,生了12個小孩,所以不得不日夜工作養活他們。當第13個小孩出生的時候,他沮喪的不知如何是好。於是他跑到大路上,決定請第一個路過的人當小孩的教父。,GodfatherDeath(German:DerGevatterTod)isaGermanfairytalecollectedbytheBrothersGrimmandfirstpublishedin1812(KHM44).ItisataleofAarne ...,Deathappearedashehadpromised,andservedasgodfatherinanorderlymanner.Aftertheboycameofagehisgodfatherappe...