
Tools for developers to get started

Start building with Google AI. Gemini Api, Gemini Api, Google AI Studio, The fastest way to get access to and build with Google's most capable AI models.

Making AI helpful for everyone - Google AI

From sparking your creativity to boosting productivity and enriching knowledge & learning, AI makes our products even more helpful. The Gemini ecosystem · Learn more · Our latest AI models · AI Principles

Machine Learning & AI Courses

Take machine learning & AI classes with Google experts. Grow your ML skills with interactive labs. Deploy the latest AI technology. Start learning!

AI & Machine Learning Products & Services

A single platform for data scientists and engineers to create, train, test, monitor, tune, and deploy ML and AI models. Generative AI document... · Comic · Cloud AI

Machine Learning Crash Course

Google's fast-paced, practical introduction to machine learning, featuring a series of lessons with video lectures, interactive visualizations, and hands-on ...

Learn AI & machine learning

Create scalable AI systems to offer meaningful services and develop self-improving solutions to help businesses grow.

AI courses and tools from Google

Learn all about AI & how to supercharge your work or business. We offer AI courses and tools that will help you build essential AI skills.


This learning path provides an overview of generative AI concepts, from the fundamentals of large language models to responsible AI principles.

Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud

本課程介紹Google Cloud 中的AI 和機器學習(ML) 服務。這些服務可建構預測式和生成式AI 專案。我們將帶您探索「從資料到AI」生命週期中適用的技術、產品和工具,包括AI ...

Google AI Essentials

Google AI Essentials is a self-paced course designed to help people across roles and industries get essential AI skills to boost their productivity, ...

