
Language Support

The Google Assistant Service uses a speech recognition engine that can understand one of a wide variety of languages. These languages are ...

Languages and locales | Actions console

As of March 4, 2019, the Actions on Google platform supports higher quality Wavenet voices for a subset of languages and locales.

Language Support in Voice Assistants Compared (2021 Update)

What languages does Google Assistant support? · Danish · Dutch · English · French · German · Hindi · Italian · Japanese ...

Change your language or use multiple languages

Change or add a language You can use up to 3 languages with the Google Assistant on your device: your Android language, plus 2 Assistant languages. On your Android phone or tablet, touch and hold Home or say Hey Google. Languages . Choose a l

Change the language of Google Assistant

On your mobile device, open the Google Home app . · Tap Settings and then Google Assistant and then Manage all Assistant settings. · Tap Languages and then Choose ...

How to change the language of Google Assistant

Google Assistant supports multilingual mode, allowing you to switch between two languages seamlessly. To add a second language: Open the Google Home app. Tap ...

How to Change Google Assistant Language - Step-by

To change Google Home voice language, start by opening the Google app, and then go to Settings, tap on Voice and language, and select Languages.

What languages does Google Assistant support?

Google Assistant is available in a range of languages, including English, French, German and Dutch. We recommend that you adapt the names of your devices, rooms ...

Supported countrieslanguages and how to use the Google Assistant

Google Assistant can be used in the following countries/regions/languages (as of December 2022). NOTES: How to check whether the TV supports Google Assistant.


TheGoogleAssistantServiceusesaspeechrecognitionenginethatcanunderstandoneofawidevarietyoflanguages.Theselanguagesare ...,AsofMarch4,2019,theActionsonGoogleplatformsupportshigherqualityWavenetvoicesforasubsetoflanguagesandlocales.,WhatlanguagesdoesGoogleAssistantsupport?·Danish·Dutch·English·French·German·Hindi·Italian·Japanese ...,ChangeoraddalanguageYoucanuseupto3languageswiththeGoogleAssista...