
Become a Pokémon Master with Google Maps

We've worked with Pokémon and Nintendo to develop a new training tool to help people hone their Pokémon-capturing abilities using Google Maps.

Google Maps: Pokémon Challenge

During the event, users of the Google Maps mobile application were given the ability to catch Pokémon scattered around the actual maps. Google's Pokédex ...

在世界各地捕獲神奇寶貝!手機版Google Maps 推出「神奇寶貝挑戰」

我們與Pokémon 以及任天堂合作開發了一項新的訓練工具,讓人們能夠透過Google Maps 來鍛鍊捕捉神奇寶貝的能力」。為此,官方也特地製作了一段宣傳影片。

愚人節- Google Maps神奇寶貝大挑戰! (Google Maps

一年一度的愚人節,Google今年又推出了新玩意!大家快來抓神奇寶貝~ 只要在Google Maps的應用程式,按搜尋列,點選下面的Press Start選項,地圖上就會出現神奇寶貝(Pokémon) ...

2014 年4 月1 日,10 年前的今天,Pokémon 與Google Maps 合作 ...

2014 年4 月1 日,10 年前的今天,Pokémon 與 Google Maps 合作推出「Pokémon Challenge」愚人節活動。這次企劃後來成為了開發《P okémon GO》的契機。

Google最新職缺:神奇寶貝大師- Pokemon Challenge


[Other]It's been 5 years since the Google Maps Pokemon Challenge

The idea was to catch 150 Pokemon (151 including Mew) from different parts of the world using Google Maps. Turns out that this very beta test ...

Remember when Pokemon teamed up with Google to create the ...

A very early concept of Pokemon Go :) It was actually via Google Maps who partnered with them. This was a 24 hour event :).

Google Maps: Pokémon Challenge

B1 pokémon pokemon challenge master hiring role. Google Maps: Pokémon Challenge. 3415 197. VoiceTube posted on 2014/03/31. More Share Save Report.

Google Maps: Pokémon Challenge

Dozens of wild Pokémon have taken up residence on streets, amidst forests and atop mountains throughout Google Maps. To catch 'em all, ...


We'veworkedwithPokémonandNintendotodevelopanewtrainingtooltohelppeoplehonetheirPokémon-capturingabilitiesusingGoogleMaps.,Duringtheevent,usersoftheGoogleMapsmobileapplicationweregiventheabilitytocatchPokémonscatteredaroundtheactualmaps.Google'sPokédex ...,我們與Pokémon以及任天堂合作開發了一項新的訓練工具,讓人們能夠透過GoogleMaps來鍛鍊捕捉神奇寶貝的能力」。為此,官方也特地製作了一段宣傳影片。,...