Editing Photographs

Picasaisacomputer-basedprogram,GooglePhotosiscloud-based.Picasaisold,GooglePhotosisnew.Ifyoutakeyourpictureswithasmartphone,theGoogle ...,We'vedecidedtoretirePicasainordertofocusonasinglephotoserviceinGooglePhotos–anew,smarterphotoappthatworkssea...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Picasa or Google Photos

Picasa is a computer-based program, Google Photos is cloud-based. Picasa is old, Google Photos is new. If you take your pictures with a smartphone, the Google ...

Moving on from Picasa

We've decided to retire Picasa in order to focus on a single photo service in Google Photos – a new, smarter photo app that works seamlessly across mobile and ...

Picasa and Google Photos

PIcasa is software for your PC or Mac computer to manage photos on your computer. Picasa is for people who want to organize and work with photos on their computer. Google Photos is web-based storage (in your Google Account) of all your photos and mobile A

What is the difference between Google Photos, Album Archive and ...

Album Archive is a website that displays an archive of all your Picasa Web Albums and Google Photos, and some more like photos from Hangouts, Blogger etc.

Picasa vs google photos

Picasa (the computer program) and Google Photos are two completely different things. They are complementary and don't replace each other. Google ...

Who is still using Google's Picasa app to manage their photos on ...

What is the difference between Picasa and Google Photos? TLDR: Picasa is a desktop program with cloud storage. Google Photos is a mobile/web ...

What is the difference between Picasa and Google Photos?

Picasa is a desktop program with cloud storage. Google Photos is a mobile/web app with cloud storage.

Picasa was way ahead of its time and Google did a big mistake ...

Google could have kept developing for Picasa as it did not have any overlap with Google Photos. They are two different set of products. If they ...

Differences between Google Photos, Google+ Photos and Picasa ...

You can see 3D Google Photospheres only on Google+ at the moment. You can't see them on Picasa nor on the new Google Photos at the moment (they ...


Picasaisacomputer-basedprogram,GooglePhotosiscloud-based.Picasaisold,GooglePhotosisnew.Ifyoutakeyourpictureswithasmartphone,theGoogle ...,We'vedecidedtoretirePicasainordertofocusonasinglephotoserviceinGooglePhotos–anew,smarterphotoappthatworksseamlesslyacrossmobileand ...,PIcasaissoftwareforyourPCorMaccomputertomanagephotosonyourcomputer.Picasaisforpeoplewhowanttoorganizeandworkwithphotosonthe...