
Enquiring on the Email Sending Limit

That's correct, when you send messages with authentication, using the SMTP Relay service, the per user limit is: 10,000 messages in a 24-hour period. If the ...

Gmail & Google Workspace Sending Limits (2024 Guide)

Gmail's email sending limit from a regular account or a Google Workspace trial account is 500 emails per day. With a Google Workspace paid ...

Gmail & Google Workspace Sending Limits (2025 Guide)

Gmail's email sending limit from a free trial account or a Google Workspace trial account is 500 emails per day. With a Google Workspace paid ...

Gmail Sending Limit Solutions for High-Volume Senders

Daily sending limits for Gmail accounts: The maximum individual sending limit, according to Google, is 500 per day. For Google Workspace users, ... Why Does Gmail Limit Sending? · Types of Limits · Google Workspace Accounts

Gmail sending limits in Google Workspace

Messages that counts toward user limits · 2,000 · 1,500 for mail merge (previously called multi-send) · 500 for trial accounts. Messages auto-forwarded

Gmail SMTP Setup: Understand Its Limitations

What's Gmail's Sending Limit? · 500 emails per day for a Free Gmail account (a little over 15k emails per month) · 1,000 emails per day if you' ...

How to set a limit on emails per day for each user? Sending limits ...

To use Google's SMTP service, you need to have either: 1. A free Gmail account, like someone @gmail.com, which allows you to send up to 500 emails per day.

Learn What are Gmail sending Limits & How to Increase It!

3. What are Google Workspace SMTP limits? Google limits SMTP users to send 2000 emails per day . There is one more Google SMTP limit for users, which is 100 emails per minute to prevent spamming.

Limits for sending & getting mail

To help prevent spam and keep accounts safe, Gmail limits the number of emails you can send or get per day, and the number of people you can add as recipients.

Send 10,000 emails with Gmail [Updated 2025]

Gmail sets a rate limit of 20 outgoing emails per hour. If you exceed this limit, Google might suspend your account for anywhere from 1 to 24 hours.


That'scorrect,whenyousendmessageswithauthentication,usingtheSMTPRelayservice,theperuserlimitis:10,000messagesina24-hourperiod.Ifthe ...,Gmail'semailsendinglimitfromaregularaccountoraGoogleWorkspacetrialaccountis500emailsperday.WithaGoogleWorkspacepaid ...,Gmail'semailsendinglimitfromafreetrialaccountoraGoogleWorkspacetrialaccountis500emailsperday.WithaGoogleWorkspacepaid ...,Dailysendinglimits...
