25 Graphene

Thetwo-dimensionalform(graphene)hasbeenobtainedonlyveryrecently,andimmediatelyattractedgreatdealofattention.,Graphene:CarboninTwoDimensions.ByMikhailI.Katsnelson.Cambridge.UniversityPress,2012.Price(hardcover).GBP45.00.ISBN-13:9780521195409.This ...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[cond-mat0612534] Graphene: carbon in two dimensions

The two-dimensional form (graphene) has been obtained only very recently, and immediately attracted great deal of attention.


Graphene: Carbon in Two Dimensions. By Mikhail I. Katsnelson. Cambridge. University Press, 2012. Price (hardcover). GBP 45.00. ISBN-13: 9780521195409. This ...

[PDF] Graphene

Graphene is the first example of a truly two-dimensional crystal. This opens many interesting questions concerning the thermodynamics, lattice dynamics, and ...

[PDF] Graphene: Carbon in Two Dimensions

Thus, only three- dimensional (diamond, graphite), one-dimensional (nanotubes), and zero-dimensional (fullerenes) allotropes of carbon were known. The two- ...

[PDF] Graphene: carbon in two dimensions

Thus, only three- dimensional (diamond, graphite), one-dimensional (nanotubes), and zero-dimensional (fullerenes) allotropes of carbon were known. The two- ...

Amazon.com: Graphene

評分 4.1 (5) Graphene is the thinnest known material, a sheet of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal cells a single atom thick, and yet stronger than diamond.

Graphene: Carbon in Two Dimensions

書名:Graphene: Carbon in Two Dimensions,語言:英文,ISBN:9780521195409,頁數:363,作者:Katsnelson, Mikhail I.,出版日期:2012/05/04,類別:自然科普.


Carbon in Two Dimensions. Search within full text. You have access Access ... Graphene is the thinnest known material, a sheet of carbon atoms arranged ...

(PDF) Graphene: Carbon in Two Dimensions

Graphene is a monolayer of sp 2 bonded carbon atoms in a chicken wire crystal structure which behaves electronically as a zero-gap semiconductor ...

Review Graphene: carbon in two dimensions

The elusive two-dimensional form of carbon is named graphene, and, ironically, it is probably the best-studied carbon allotrope theoretically. Graphene – planar ...


Thetwo-dimensionalform(graphene)hasbeenobtainedonlyveryrecently,andimmediatelyattractedgreatdealofattention.,Graphene:CarboninTwoDimensions.ByMikhailI.Katsnelson.Cambridge.UniversityPress,2012.Price(hardcover).GBP45.00.ISBN-13:9780521195409.This ...,Grapheneisthefirstexampleofatrulytwo-dimensionalcrystal.Thisopensmanyinterestingquestionsconcerningthethermodynamics,latticedynamics,and ...,Thus,...