
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is a 2018 digital collectible card game by CD Projekt. It was released free-to-play first for Windows, PlayStation 4, and ...

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

GWENT is a card game of choices and consequences, where skill, not luck, is your greatest weapon. Pick a faction, build an army, and wage war against other ...

[UPDATE] Important announcement about the future of GWENT on ...

All GWENT players on consoles will be offered an option to copy their account progress and purchases from their current platform to a GOG account.


Play GWENT — a strategy card game of choices and consequences, where skill, not luck, is your greatest weapon. GWENT Deck Library · The last GWENT World... · Play for free · Learn more

Did the separate Gwent game on ps4 become Thronebreaker?

Standalone gwent on consoles doesn't exist anymore. Thronebreaker is a separate singleplayer game about Queen Meve with gwent gameplay. Imo it's ...

Anyway to Access Gwent card game on ps4

Unfortunately there is no chance, since there has not been a return to PSN für Gwent. And since further development of the game has been halted ...

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game - Launch Trailer | PS4

https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/gwent-the-witcher-card-game-ps4/ GWENT: The Witcher Card Game — a free to play strategy card game!

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game - How to Play | PS4

https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/gwent-the-witcher-card-game-ps4/ Watch the official guide for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game — a free ...


《巫師之昆特牌》(英語:Gwent: The Witcher Card Game)是一款由CD Projekt RED為Microsoft Windows、PlayStation 4和Xbox One平台開發的免費卡片對戰遊戲。


Gwent:TheWitcherCardGameisa2018digitalcollectiblecardgamebyCDProjekt.Itwasreleasedfree-to-playfirstforWindows,PlayStation4,and ...,GWENTisacardgameofchoicesandconsequences,whereskill,notluck,isyourgreatestweapon.Pickafaction,buildanarmy,andwagewaragainstother ...,AllGWENTplayersonconsoleswillbeofferedanoptiontocopytheiraccountprogressandpurchasesfromtheircurrentplatformtoaGOGaccount.,PlayGWENT...