
CD Projekt Releases Its Final Update to Gwent

CD Projekt Red announced its sunsetting of support for Gwent in December 2022, though assured at the time the game would remain online for years ...


Read the official changelog. The card data is sourced from the game so every text error will be included. This changelog only features balance changes.


GWENT IS NOW AVAILABLE ON ANDROID! Google Play. Learn more. GWENT Deck Library · The last GWENT World... · Update on Windows 7, 8 and...


⚙️ To all Android 14 users: Today we released a fresh version for you to update to, which should fix the issue of not being able to enter the game.

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game - Patch Notes 11.10

Tomorrow we are releasing Update 11.10, which will include the final card changes made by us. This means that moving forward, you will have control over all ...

GWENTfinity and the Balance Council

In October 2023, GWENT entered a new chapter called GWENTfinity, receiving its final content update created by developers with patch 11.10 ...


Latest news · GWENTfinity and the Balance Council · Update on Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 support · Interview with Mya-Mon, Champion of GWENT Masters Season 5 · The ... Update on Windows 7, 8 and... · Changes to the Balance Council · Load more new

rgwent Wiki: Gwent Patch History

Here you can find a link to all patch notes and their release date. Since the release of the game (Homecoming), the game is getting an update every month. Patch History · Release Patch History · Open Beta Patch History

Update 7.1 Patchnotes :: GWENT

Update 7.1 Patchnotes. 於此檢視完整活動資訊:. GWENT: The Witcher Card Game 公告 2020 年8 月3 日. Update 7.1 Patchnotes. Hey everyone! Update 7.1 is coming ...

What exactly happens when Gwent gets a new update these days?

The game has been abandoned by the devs as CDPR allocated resources elsewhere to fix the catastrophic failure that cyberpunk was. The game has ...


CDProjektRedannounceditssunsettingofsupportforGwentinDecember2022,thoughassuredatthetimethegamewouldremainonlineforyears ...,Readtheofficialchangelog.Thecarddataissourcedfromthegamesoeverytexterrorwillbeincluded.Thischangelogonlyfeaturesbalancechanges.,GWENTISNOWAVAILABLEONANDROID!GooglePlay.Learnmore.GWENTDeckLibrary·ThelastGWENTWorld...·UpdateonWindows7,8and...,⚙️ToallAndroid14users:Todaywer...