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H1Z1 G系列错误解决办法


What does this G error code in Z1BR mean?

A firewall or virus protection program is preventing Z1BR from running. Set any firewalls and antivirus programs to allow Z1BR (specifically ...

How to Fix Game Error - Code G32 in H1Z1 Battle Royale?

You should be able to fix this issue by verifying the integrity of the game's files. This process can be done from the Properties of the game.

Guide :: H1Z1 - Fixing all game errors

If the error occurs repeatedly, a full uninstall and reinstall of the game may be required. You may also want to check your firewall settings: ...

G32 and Unable to Connect errors :

This is what a G32 Error means and how to fix it.[help.daybreakgames.com] ... you must write the supp of h1z1 then they will telle you the right login ...

G32 and Unable to connect errors : rh1z1

Was playing on Adeliede server all day then tonight me and my friends get diconnected from the server. When it comes back up I cannot Join, ...

H1Z1 Game Error G32 | H1Z1 | Battle Royale

Game Error - Code G32. Description: We're sorry; it looks like you are trying to play the game using a different Daybreak Account than what was originally ...

【攻略】《H1Z1》G系列錯誤解決辦法官方原文翻譯@H1Z1 屍流感 ...

通常只是試圖再次在幾分鐘解決問題。 此外,您可能要檢查(steam以及《H1Z1》完整性。) G32錯誤. 請查閱《H1Z1》專題文章. G37錯誤. 有連接到登錄服務器的 ...

RE:【問題】關於G32錯誤報告@H1Z1 屍流感哈啦板

有可能H1Z1的帳號不正確像我當初的帳號是LIYACHKA. 之後改用YYMKC玩了一陣子有一天突然跳出這個錯誤畫面. https://www.h1z1.com/game-error?code ...


《H1Z1》游戏这几天问题不断,所以也造成了部分玩家开始退款等现象,对于留下来等消息的玩家们来说,以下分享游戏中出现G系列问题的解决方法。,AfirewallorvirusprotectionprogramispreventingZ1BRfromrunning.SetanyfirewallsandantivirusprogramstoallowZ1BR(specifically ...,Youshouldbeabletofixthisissuebyverifyingtheintegrityofthegame'sfiles.ThisprocesscanbedonefromthePropertiesofthegame.,Iftheerroroccursrepe...