
Just started SSE and getting script error, need HELP

Downloaded the essentials and I'm getting the Script extender log reports incompatible plugins error. The thing is I have the current version of SKSE64.


沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

Steam 社区:: The Elder Scrolls V

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - 《The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim》Anniversary EditionAnniversary Edition包含了十年的内容:广受好评的核心游戏 ...

【心得】hdtSSEFramework 已停用,在讀取插件時發生了致命性錯誤.

遊戲版本:SE 遊戲進度:連遊戲都開不起來 安裝的版本都是正確的HDT-SMP也是安裝了正確的版本但就是開不起來。 Even框架重裝也是一樣.

HDTSSE Physics High Heels Framework 1 5 97

HDT works by assigning a spell/magic effect to every piece of affected armor. That's not great in terms of script load or performance.

hdtSSEFramework.dll Crashing · Issue #3

To remove the error just navigate to your SKSE/Plugins folder and delete the two .dll's you see listed in the error message.

HDT SSE Framework and Physics for SKSE 2.0.17 (1.59.97)

HDT SSE Framework and Physics for SKSE 2.0.17 (1.59.97) ... Does anyone have a working link to the HDT physics files that doesn't take me to that ...


DownloadedtheessentialsandI'mgettingtheScriptextenderlogreportsincompatiblepluginserror.ThethingisIhavethecurrentversionofSKSE64.,沒有這個頁面的資訊。·瞭解原因,TheElderScrollsV:SkyrimSpecialEdition-《TheElderScrollsV:Skyrim》AnniversaryEditionAnniversaryEdition包含了十年的内容:广受好评的核心游戏 ...,遊戲版本:SE遊戲進度:連遊戲都開不起來安裝的版本都是正確的HDT-SMP也是安裝了正確的版本但就是開...