
High-resolution audio

Maximum client/server memory increases from 4 MB to 32 MB (depending on total device memory) to allow more simultaneous high-resolution audio tracks.

Does Android blocks hi res audio. - headphones

Android by default is programed to output 44.1 khz and any file above it like the hi res 94 khz is suppressed and played at 44.1 khz.

How do I experience Hi-Res on Android?

There are a number of ways to listen to your music in Hi-Res quality with your Android device, and they can be grouped into two main categories.

【專題】要方便更要高質,Hi-Res 串流播放懶人包

較簡單的方法繞過SRC 限制,就是使用支援LDAC 的藍牙耳機,並配合支援LDAC 的Android 手機使用。所謂LDAC 是現在藍牙傳送速度最高的規格,速度達到900kbps,可 ...

jetAudio Hi-Res Music Player

評分 4.1 (185,480) · 免費 · Android jetAudio is the highest rated and most downloaded media player on CNET.COM and now you can listen to same high-quality sound on your Android phone using ...

How to turn your Smartphone into a Hi-Res audio player

Unlock the true potential of your smartphone with our guide on how to turn it into a Hi-Res Audio player! Discover the essential tips and ...

Android 手機存在音訊輸出限制? 關於手機聽歌的九問八答

不少串流音樂服務都有提供無損音樂,想再聽好一點,筆者推介可安裝《Onkyo HF Player》,免費版都可以播放到Hi-Res 音訊,對應FLAC、WAV 和DSD 格式。如果大家 ...

jetAudio Hi-Res Music Player

評分 4.1 (185,481) · 免費 · Android jetAudio is the highest rated and most downloaded media player on CNET.COM and now you can listen to same high-quality sound on your Android phone using ...

How to turn your Smartphone into a Hi

To listen to music at high resolution there are two ways of doing this - the first is that you're gonna have to use high resolution or lossless audio files.


如果想要做到bit-perfect,將音訊以原生Hi-Res 的方式輸出的話,就需要一些特別的處理。常見的做法就是通過USB 輸出原生音訊,來繞過Android 系統的音效處理 ...

