
Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder...A Glowing Review

This powder brightens and illuminates without obvious shimmer...it reduces redness and discoloration and evens out the skin while remaining impossible to detect ...

雞肋還是神品? HOURGLASS Ambient Lighting Powder 打亮餅

可以修飾泛紅的Diffused Light。 HOURGLASS Ambient Lighting Powder #Diffused Light 10g. HG06. HG07. 外盒有點類似Tom Ford的樣子,不過HOURGLASS的外 ...

Luminous, Ethereal & Diffused Light {review}

Universal setting powders that feature cutting edge technology to mimic the effects of the most flattering types of light.

️現貨+預購Hourglass 打亮蜜粉餅mini ambient Lighting Powder

供應中 評分 5.0 (29) Hourglass最有名就是他的打亮擦上去讓皮膚看起來有自然漂亮的光澤也可以當作定妝使用沒有試過的話推薦先買迷你版試用看看Standard Size 0.35oz / 10g Dim Light ...

Ambient Lighting Finishing Powder

評分 4.7 (932) Buy Hourglass Ambient Lighting Finishing Powder. Diffused Light Shade Highlighting Powder. (0.35 ounce) on Amazon.com ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders.

Ambient™ Lighting Finishing Powder

評分 4.8 (37) DIFFUSED LIGHT: A soft, warm, pale yellow powder that conceals redness and gives skin clarity—like a soft ray of morning light. DIM LIGHT: A neutral peach beige ...

Ambient™ Lighting Finishing Powder

評分 4.4 (18) ETHEREAL LIGHT: An opalescent sheer, cool white powder that mimics a moonlit glow—even in broad daylight. DIFFUSED LIGHT: A soft, warm, pale yellow powder that ...

Ambient™ Lighting Collection

Create Your Perfect Light with the Ambient Lighting Collection. Discover the groundbreaking collection of powders, blushes, bronzers, and highlighters ...

Is Hourglass Ambient Lighting powder really all that?

Diffused is mostly flat and pore blurring not dry. Luminous gives your skin a beautiful subtle glow. Radiant has more shine but not as much ...

Hourglass Ambient® Lighting Finishing Powder

供應中 評分 4.3 (3,204) Infused with the innovative Photoluminescent Technology, each finishing powder captures, diffuses, and softens the look of the skin.


Thispowderbrightensandilluminateswithoutobviousshimmer...itreducesrednessanddiscolorationandevensouttheskinwhileremainingimpossibletodetect ...,可以修飾泛紅的DiffusedLight。HOURGLASSAmbientLightingPowder#DiffusedLight10g.HG06.HG07.外盒有點類似TomFord的樣子,不過HOURGLASS的外 ...,Universalsettingpowdersthatfeaturecuttingedgetechnologytomimictheeffectsofthemostflatteringtypesoflight.,供應中評分5...

Hourglass 1.6 簡單實用的倒數計時小工具

Hourglass 1.6 簡單實用的倒數計時小工具
