how to reset windows 8
how to reset windows 8

PackardBell:PressandholdtheALTkeywhilepressingrepeatedlytheF10key.ReleasethekeyswhenamessagedisplaysthatWindowsisloading ...,LearnabouttherecoveryoptionsinWindows.FindouthowtoresetyourPC,gobacktoapreviousversionofWindows,orusemediatoreinstallWind...

Windows 8 Factory Reset Tutorial


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How do I factory reset a Windows 8.1 laptop without a password?

Packard Bell: Press and hold the ALT key while pressing repeatedly the F10 key. Release the keys when a message displays that Windows is loading ...

Recovery options in Windows

Learn about the recovery options in Windows. Find out how to reset your PC, go back to a previous version of Windows, or use media to reinstall Windows.

Reinstall or Restore Windows 8

Login to Windows 8 and open charms. Click 'Settings' then, 'Change PC settings'. From the menu, click 'General'. Scroll down and you will see options to ...

Resetting Windows 8: A simple guide

In desktop mode, press the key combination 'Windows' key + 'i' and then select the option “Change PC Settings” from the menu on the left-hand side. Click on “Update & Recovery” and then on “Recovery”. Now select the option “Refresh your PC without aff

How to Factory Reset a Windows 8 Computer

Step 1: Sign in to your Win 8 system. Step 2: Press Win + I to bring out Settings and then click Change PC settings. Step 3: On PC settings window, select ...

How to reset Windows 8 if you have Forgotten Your Password

Hold down the shift key on your keyboard. While holding this key down, click Restart. Windows 8 Power Button Options, Restart; You will ...

Reset Windows 8.1 Without key? : rwindows8

Just download Windows 10 install media, put it onto a USB drive, format the hard drive and install Windows 10 without a key so it is only a ...

How to Reinstall Windows 8 Without a CD

Resetting Windows 8 (Erases All Files) · Step 1 Back up and save all personal files and data · Step 2 Press ⊞ Win+C at the same time. · Step 3 Select Settings, ...

Windows 8 Factory Reset Tutorial

If you are still having difficulties, please send us an eMessage through our site below:

Windows 8.1 In this video I show you how to reset your Windows 8 computer back to factory ...


PackardBell:PressandholdtheALTkeywhilepressingrepeatedlytheF10key.ReleasethekeyswhenamessagedisplaysthatWindowsisloading ...,LearnabouttherecoveryoptionsinWindows.FindouthowtoresetyourPC,gobacktoapreviousversionofWindows,orusemediatoreinstallWindows.,LogintoWindows8andopencharms.Click'Settings'then,'ChangePCsettings'.Fromthemenu,click'General'.Scrolldownandyouwillseeoptionsto ...,Indesktopmode...