Windows 11

FileExplorer:>OpenFileExplorer>clickView>chooseyourpreferrediconsize.Image.Feelfreetopostbackshouldyou ...,Icansetthecustomfoldericontopermanentbyeditingthedesktop.inifile,withsimplyerasesomepartoftheiconfileaddressintoiconresource=icon ...,I'mtr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Changing Default folder Icon for ALL folders on Windows 10

File Explorer: > Open File Explorer > click View > choose your preferred icon size. Image. Feel free to post back should you ...

how to set a permanent custom folder icon in windows 10?

I can set the custom folder icon to permanent by editing the desktop.ini file, with simply erase some part of the icon file address into iconresource=icon ...

How do i change the icon of a folder in windows?

I'm trying to change the icon of a folder windows with a custom icon for my program. I know I can by right clicking folder and using properties to change the ...

How to change all folder icons within a folder windows 10

There is a program called Folder Maker which allows you to, through a user interface program, select the folders that you want and change the icon.

is it possible to permanently change the folder icon?

You should be able to do that by simply opening folder properties and using the customize tab. This has been a feature since at least XP. You ...

Permanent Custom Folder Icon?

How (if possible) can I assign a custom icon to a folder so that it will remain that folder's icon no matter where on the computer I move it ...

Permanent Custom Folder Icon Problem

Get to the visualization tab, and uncheck hide protected system files. Save changes. Then you will see a desktop.ini already does exist ...

Permanent Custom Folder Icon on external USB Flash Drive?

You need to put the custom icon, (.ico file), in a folder on the USB drive itself, apply it once on each machine you plug it into, then, after that, you're all ...

How to Change the Default Folder Icon in Windows 10

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to customize any icon in Windows 10 or 11, including how to change the default folder icon.


FileExplorer:>OpenFileExplorer>clickView>chooseyourpreferrediconsize.Image.Feelfreetopostbackshouldyou ...,Icansetthecustomfoldericontopermanentbyeditingthedesktop.inifile,withsimplyerasesomepartoftheiconfileaddressintoiconresource=icon ...,I'mtryingtochangetheiconofafolderwindowswithacustomiconformyprogram.IknowIcanbyrightclickingfolderandusingpropertiestochangethe ...,Thereisaprogra...