How to Make a GIF in After Effects



Convert video to GIF for free

Video to GIF converter. Upload MP4, WEBM, MOV, MKV, M4V video files and create animated GIF images. Create high-quality GIFs from video for free.

Video to animated GIF converter

Upload your video, select the part you want to convert and instanlty create a GIF in good quality for free and without watermarks.

GIF Maker - Create GIFs from Videos or Images

Fast and easy GIF creation. Create animated GIFs from YouTube, videos, or images and decorate with captions and stickers.Share your GIFs on Facebook, ...

GIF Maker: How to Convert Videos Into Animated GIFs

Once you've clicked into the clip page for the video you'd like to GIF, select GIF from the left sidebar. Click the “Create a GIF” button to ...

Free Video to GIF Converter

Create a GIF from a video and share it in seconds. Convert your favorite video clips into memes, reaction GIFs, and more with this GIF maker.

Free MP4 to GIF Converter

Easily convert MP4 videos into shareable GIFs. Upload your MP4 video to our online MP4 to GIF converter, select the quality type based on your destination.

Free Video to GIF Converter: Convert MP4 to GIF online

Upload and convert any MP4, MOV, MPEG, MKV, or WEBM video formats to GIF files. Trim the footage down to a precise length to make converting your video to GIF ...

Free GIF Maker: Create GIFs from images and videos

Simply upload the video onto the editor and trim the clip. Then, create and customize the GIF-to-be; add captions⁠(opens in a new tab or window), illustrations, ...

Video to GIF Converter

Simply upload your video and select your trim. Our Video to GIF tool can even convert large video files to GIFs in just a few seconds!

How to Create a GIF From a Video on Any Device

Learn how to create a GIF from a video using your phone and web browser, along with the best tools and tips to make the process easy.


VideotoGIFconverter.UploadMP4,WEBM,MOV,MKV,M4VvideofilesandcreateanimatedGIFimages.Createhigh-qualityGIFsfromvideoforfree.,Uploadyourvideo,selectthepartyouwanttoconvertandinstanltycreateaGIFingoodqualityforfreeandwithoutwatermarks.,FastandeasyGIFcreation.CreateanimatedGIFsfromYouTube,videos,orimagesanddecoratewithcaptionsandstickers.ShareyourGIFsonFacebook, ...,Onceyou'veclickedintotheclippage...