
Restore from iCloud Backup Without Reset

Step 1: Open the Settings app and tap on your name at the top to open iCloud settings. · Step 2: Tap 'iCloud' and then 'iCloud Backup'. · Step 3: Switch on ' ...

How to restore an iPhone from iCloud backup

How to restore a new iPhone from iCloud backup · Go to Settings > General > Reset. · Tap Erase All Content and Settings. · Go through the setup ...

How to restore an iPhone from backup

Turn on iPhone and follow the setup until you see Apps & Data > Tap Restore from iCloud Backup > Sign in with your Apple ID > Choose the ...

Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from a backup

Turn on your device. · Follow the onscreen setup steps until you reach the Transfer Your Apps & Data screen, then tap From iCloud Backup. · Sign ...

Restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch from a backup

Restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch from a backup Turn on your device. ... Follow the onscreen setup steps until you reach the Transfer Your Apps & Data screen, then tap From iCloud Backup. Sign in to iCloud with your Apple ID.

Need to restore an iPhone backup? Here's how

Connect your device to Wi-Fi. · Go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud. · Tap iCloud Backup > Back Up Now. · Stay connected to Wi-Fi until the backup is finished.

How To Restore From iCloud Backup

1. Go to the main Settings screen on your iPhone and then Tap on General. ; Tap on Restore from the iCloud Backup option On the Apps & Data ...

Restore an icloud backup without resetting my iphone?

Apple typically requires a reset to restore from a backup. However, restoring iCloud backup without resetting iPhone is possible. There's an ...

Restore from iCloud Backup - Apple iPhone

From the 'Choose an iCloud Backup' screen, choose which backup to restore. From the Make This Your New iPhone screen, tap. Continue . If prompted ...

How to restore your iPhone from an iCloud backup

Put all your apps, data, and settings back just the way you like them. Here's how to restore your iPhone from an iCloud backup.


Step1:OpentheSettingsappandtaponyournameatthetoptoopeniCloudsettings.·Step2:Tap'iCloud'andthen'iCloudBackup'.·Step3:Switchon' ...,HowtorestoreanewiPhonefromiCloudbackup·GotoSettings>General>Reset.·TapEraseAllContentandSettings.·Gothroughthesetup ...,TurnoniPhoneandfollowthesetupuntilyouseeApps&Data>TapRestorefromiCloudBackup>SigninwithyourAppleID>Choosethe ...,Turnonyourdevi...