
5 Ways to Restore Windows 8 System from Boot

2023年12月28日 — 1. Press Win + F key to open Windows 8/8.1 Search box, input create a restore point and hit Enter, click Settings, then click Create a restore ...

Go back to Windows 8.1

Select the Start button > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery. Under Go back to the previous version of Windows 10,Go back to Windows 8.1, select Get ...

How to refresh, reset, or restore your Windows 8.1 PC

To reset your PC · Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, tap Settings, and then tap Change PC settings. · Tap or click Update and recovery, and then tap ...

How to Use System Restore in Microsoft Windows

2023年11月7日 — Click Start. · Search for Create a restore point and open System Properties. · In the System Properties windows, go to the System Protection tab.

Resetting Windows 8

2020年8月14日 — Factory reset Windows 8 · The first step is to open the system settings using the Windows shortcut 'Windows' key + 'i'. · From there, select “ ...


2023年12月28日—1.PressWin+FkeytoopenWindows8/8.1Searchbox,inputcreatearestorepointandhitEnter,clickSettings,thenclickCreatearestore ...,SelecttheStartbutton>Settings>Update&Security>Recovery.UnderGobacktothepreviousversionofWindows10,GobacktoWindows8.1,selectGet ...,ToresetyourPC·Swipeinfromtherightedgeofthescreen,tapSettings,andthentapChangePCsettings.·TaporclickUpdateandrecovery...