
,Step3:Browsetoselectthefile.Step4:ClickontheSendThisFilebutton.Whenuploadingiscomplete,anemailisautomaticallysenttoyouandtherecipient ...,Toreceivelargefiles,shareaFilebox(securewebform)withotherswhodonothaveaSendThisFileaccount.Useoptionalpassw...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Large File Exchange-

Step 3: Browse to select the file. Step 4: Click on the SendThisFile button. When uploading is complete, an email is automatically sent to you and the recipient ...

Send and receive large files securely, boost productivity

To receive large files, share a Filebox (secure webform) with others who do not have a SendThisFile account. Use optional password protection to keep Filebox ...

Send Digita Suite files to Support using SendThisFile

Send Digita Suite files to Support using SendThisFile · Go to SendThisFile. · Enter your email address in the. From · Enter [email protected] in the.

Sending big files with SendThisFile

2007年12月3日 — SendThisFile competes well with YouSendIt and for sending large files that are too big to be e-mailed.


SendThisFile Tutorial: ... Now, select the option choose free plan (red arrow). This option is a little slower, but it has no expiration date and it does not ...

SendThisFile File Transfer

Start by creating your free account and sign in. Choose the file you want to upload and who receives it. Relax as we automatically inform your recipients with ...


,Step3:Browsetoselectthefile.Step4:ClickontheSendThisFilebutton.Whenuploadingiscomplete,anemailisautomaticallysenttoyouandtherecipient ...,Toreceivelargefiles,shareaFilebox(securewebform)withotherswhodonothaveaSendThisFileaccount.UseoptionalpasswordprotectiontokeepFilebox ...,SendDigitaSuitefilestoSupportusingSendThisFile·GotoSendThisFile.·Enteryouremailaddressinthe.From·