Configuring HP's Cloud

2021年4月29日—PrivatePickupallowsuserstoclickprintnowfromtheappandpickuplaterwhentheycanaccesstheprinter.Usersmanagethisarrayof ...,PrintAnywherefortheHPSmartappisaremoteprintingservicethatsendsprintjobsovertheinternettoprintimmediatelyortobepick...。參考影片的文章的如下:


HP Launches New Cloud Printing System Called 'HP+'

2021年4月29日 — Private Pickup allows users to click print now from the app and pick up later when they can access the printer. Users manage this array of ...

HP printers

Print Anywhere for the HP Smart app is a remote printing service that sends print jobs over the internet to print immediately or to be picked up later when ...

HP Smart

Print, scan, and share to your HP printer anytime, anywhere. ... Original HP Ink, HP ... Easily scan files using your device camera and share to the cloud or email.


HP周四(3/31)宣布旗下具備ePrint功能的印表機都將支援Google雲端列印(Google Cloud Print),因此,使用者只要使用連網裝置,不需要驅動程式,不需要連結個人電腦, ...

Set up and use Google Cloud Print app

Google Cloud Print™ is a service that allows you to print to a printer using a mobile phone, tablet, or any web-connected devices. To use the Google Cloud ...

惠普印表機- HP Smart 應用程式的Print Anywhere

HP Smart 應用程式的「Print Anywhere」是一項遠端列印服務,可透過網際網路傳送列印作業,以便立即列印,或者稍後有人在印表機附近時進行列印。


2021年4月29日—PrivatePickupallowsuserstoclickprintnowfromtheappandpickuplaterwhentheycanaccesstheprinter.Usersmanagethisarrayof ...,PrintAnywherefortheHPSmartappisaremoteprintingservicethatsendsprintjobsovertheinternettoprintimmediatelyortobepickeduplaterwhen ...,Print,scan,andsharetoyourHPprinteranytime,anywhere....OriginalHPInk,HP...Easilyscanfilesusingyourdevicecameraandsharetothecloudorema...