
Let Me Google That For You...

For all those people that find it more convenient to bother you with their question than to google it for themselves.


For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than to Google it for themselves.

我要推薦一個很棒的網站叫「Let me Google that for you」。 日本 ...

只要在「Let me Google that for you」鍵入關鍵字,它就會跳出連結給你。連結點進去 會顯示一個「幫忙使用者Google的動畫」,並親切地引 導使用者至Google ...


輕觸兩下即可在Google 搜尋。 回報. 取消. 確定. 刪除. 深色主題:關閉. 設定 · 搜尋設定 · 進階搜尋 · 您在Google 搜尋中的資料.

What is the meaning of 'Google it' when you are searching?

People say “Google it” as a sarcastic response to something that you could easily Google, (or just look up on any search engine). Usually it's ...

Let me google that for you... : rfunny

Very useful - especially when you have non-computer savvy relatives who ask me stupid questions that could be solved in an instant by Google.

The problem with Let Me Google That For You

I was going to even make a let me google that for you reddit bot, but I decided against it because them asking this question is not objective.

你聽過lmgtfy 嗎? 它的全名是let me google that for you 是 ...

你聽過lmgtfy 嗎? 它的全名是let me google that for you 是以前人們還在用Google 查資料時的一個小工具。 他沒什麼特別功能, 就只是展示一個「幫你拿 ...

Let Me Google That For You

http://BigNate84.com - I saw the LMGTFY website earlier this year for the first time and thought it was a pretty hilarious idea.


Forallthosepeoplethatfinditmoreconvenienttobotheryouwiththeirquestionthantogoogleitforthemselves.,ForallthosepeoplewhofinditmoreconvenienttobotheryouwiththeirquestionratherthantoGoogleitforthemselves.,只要在「LetmeGooglethatforyou」鍵入關鍵字,它就會跳出連結給你。連結點進去會顯示一個「幫忙使用者Google的動畫」,並親切地引導使用者至Google ...,輕觸兩下即可在Google搜尋。回報.取消.確定.刪除.深色主...