
iBetterCharge厲害的地方就在於,只要Mac和iPhone在同一個WiFi環境底下,就可以直接在電腦螢幕上看到手機的電量,而且只要iPhone電量低於20%,還會跳出 ...,iBetterCharge.电量管理.安全下载.支持系统.Intel64/OSX.价格...IntroducingiBetterCharge,theultimateutilityforkeepingyourbatteryalive24/7.,ibetterchargeisbuiltforIntelmacOSandsorequiresRosetta2tobeinstalled....NotethatitisverydifficulttoremoveRosetta2onc...

【App推薦】iBetterCharge 讓你的Mac 可以隨時監控提醒iPhone ...

iBetterCharge 厲害的地方就在於,只要Mac 和iPhone 在同一個WiFi 環境底下,就可以直接在電腦螢幕上看到手機的電量,而且只要iPhone 電量低於20%,還會跳出 ...


iBetterCharge. 电量管理. 安全下载. 支持系统. Intel 64 / OS X. 价格 ... Introducing iBetterCharge, the ultimate utility for keeping your battery alive 24/7.


ibettercharge is built for Intel macOS and so requires Rosetta 2 to be installed. ... Note that it is very difficult to remove Rosetta 2 once it is installed.


iBetterCharge tracks the power of your iOS devices. When they hit a specific battery capacity (or are fully charged up when plugged in), the app will let ...

[手机工具]iBetterCharge for mac V1.0.9 官方版


iBetterCharge For Mac电脑版官方免费下载

iBetterCharge,保持你的电池活着的24/7的最终效用。现在你可以得到关于你的iPhone在Mac上的低电量警告了。 版本: 1.1.5 | 更新时间: 2024-12-26 ...


據了解,這軟件名為iBetterCharge ,可以讓Mac 電腦用戶得知道iOS 裝置電力不足,讓用戶可以及時為裝置充電,用戶可以設定裝置在餘下多少電量才發出通知,以 ...

iBetterCharge by Softorino

iBetterCharge puts those iPhone 20% & 30% battery notifications on your Mac and reminds you to charge it. It's also completely FREE.

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Download the latest version of iBetterCharge. Get access to the newest features, updates, and improvements. Safe and secure download for your needs.

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評分 4.2 (40) Introducing iBetterCharge, the ultimate utility for keeping your battery alive 24/7. Those 20% and 10% battery warnings on your iPhone are saviors, ...