
Archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloud

Sign in to iCloud.com. · Open iCloud Drive. · Find and select the file. · Click the Download button at the top of the page or double-click the file ... iCloud Drive files · Photos and videos · Contacts · Calendars

封存或拷貝你儲存在iCloud 的資訊

在iPhone 或iPad 上,點一下「設定」> [你的姓名] >「iCloud」>「照片」。然後選取「下載並保留原始檔」並將照片輸入你的電腦。 · 在Mac 上開啟「照片」App。 · 在PC 上,請 ...


如何將iCloud備份到電腦?iCloud下載備份到電腦的最全指南 · 方法一:從iCloud官網下載iCloud備份到電腦 · 方法二:在iCloud軟體將資料從iCloud下載到電腦.

How to Download iCloud Backup to PC in 3 Ways

To download the icloud backup to your PC, there are three choices: EaseUS iCloud backup extractor, iCloud.com, and iCloud Control Panel.

downloading iCloud backup

To download an iCloud backup, do the following: 1. In the Tools menu, select the Apple tab. 2. Select Download backup from iCloud.


At iCloud.com, you can access your photos, files, and more from any web browser. Changes you make will sync to your iPhone and other devices. iCloud Photos · iCloud Drive · iCloud Recovery · iCloud Plan

retrieve data from icloud backup : rapplehelp

The question is if it's possible to download the backup to my computer and extract just the photos from it so I can upload them back to my icloud.

How do I transfer an old phone's iCloud backup to my computer?

If you're using a Mac the location is what you may want to copy say (to a USB drive) is here: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/.

3 Ways to Download iCloud Backup Files

To access to iCloud data, download and install Syncios Data Recovery, launch it and choose Recover from iCloud backup file on top menu bar.

How to restore your iPhone from an iCloud backup

Put all your apps, data, and settings back just the way you like them. Here's how to restore your iPhone from an iCloud backup.


SignintoiCloud.com.·OpeniCloudDrive.·Findandselectthefile.·ClicktheDownloadbuttonatthetopofthepageordouble-clickthefile ...iCloudDrivefiles·Photosandvideos·Contacts·Calendars,在iPhone或iPad上,點一下「設定」>[你的姓名]>「iCloud」>「照片」。然後選取「下載並保留原始檔」並將照片輸入你的電腦。·在Mac上開啟「照片」App。·在PC上,請 ...,如何將iCloud備份到電腦?iCloud下載備份到電腦的最全指南·...