How to Clear Your Cache in Your Chrome Browser

開啟InternetExplorer。·在InternetExplorer的右上角,按一下(工具)圖示,然後選取網際網路選項。·按一下刪除...按鈕在瀏覽記錄區段。·僅選取下列 ...,Thanksforyourfeedback.OpenInternetExplorer.Intheupper-rightcornerofInternetExplorer,clickthe(Tools)icon,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在Microsoft Internet Explorer 中清除快取和Cookie

開啟Internet Explorer。 · 在Internet Explorer的右上角,按一下 (工具) 圖示,然後選取網際網路選項。 · 按一下刪除... 按鈕在瀏覽記錄區段。 · 僅選取下列 ...

Clear Cache and Cookies in Microsoft Internet Explorer

Thanks for your feedback. Open Internet Explorer. In the upper-right corner of Internet Explorer, click the (Tools) icon, then select Internet options. Click the Delete... ... Select only the options for Temporary Internet files and C

Clear the Web Browser Cache

Step 1: Click on the Tools drop-down menu. Step 2: Select Delete Browsing History from the Safety side-menu. Step 3: In the window that opens, check the ...

Internet Explorer (IE)

In the Delete Browsing History window, select Cookies and website data option. To remove all cache information, click Delete.

How do I clear the cache and cookies in my web browser?

You can quickly clear cache with a keyboard shortcut. While in your browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete simultaneously on the keyboard to open the appropriate ...

View and delete your browsing history in Internet Explorer

In Internet Explorer, select the Tools button, point to Safety, and then select Delete browsing history. · Choose the types of data or files you want to remove ...

How To Clear Cache Internet Explorer 11

1. Clear the cache with a keyboard shortcut1. Press the [Ctrl], [Shift] and [Del] Key together. A Popup-Window opens. Delete browser history.2. Remove.

How do I clear my browser cache in Internet Explorer?

To clear your cache in Internet Explorer 8, 9 or 11 Choose Tools > Safety from the top menu or the Settings icon.

[PDF] How to clear cache in Internet Explorer

1. At your Internet Explorer browser, click the Tools button on the upper right hand corner, then choose Internet options.

How to Clear Your Browser Cache and Cookies

Open Internet Explorer. · Open Safety menu, located near the top of the browser. · Click Delete Browsing History. · Select Temporary Internet files and Cookies.


開啟InternetExplorer。·在InternetExplorer的右上角,按一下(工具)圖示,然後選取網際網路選項。·按一下刪除...按鈕在瀏覽記錄區段。·僅選取下列 ...,Thanksforyourfeedback.OpenInternetExplorer.Intheupper-rightcornerofInternetExplorer,clickthe(Tools)icon,thenselectInternetoptions.ClicktheDelete......SelectonlytheoptionsforTemporaryInternetfilesandC,Step1:ClickontheToolsdrop-downmenu.Step2:SelectDeleteB...