
Test IE

Test IE allows you to preview and test websites in all versions of Edge and Internet Explorer (IE6 - IE11). Just click on the extension from the ...

How to test my application on older version of IE?

Microsoft provides a free set of Windows Virtual PC images for testing various versions of IE on various Windows service packs. Virtual PC is also free.

How can I fully test my website on previous versions of IE with IE 11?

1 To access the modes, start the F12 Developer Tools ... 2 click the Emulation icon at the bottom, and choose a Document Mode — they're not named ...

How to check the version of Internet Explorer or Edge

Open the IE browser, and click the Setting button (the Gear icon) in the menu. Click About Internet Explorer at the bottom of the list.

我正在使用哪個Internet Explorer 版本?

在工作列的搜尋方塊中輸入Internet Explorer,然後從結果清單中選取[Internet Explorer]。 在Internet Explorer 的上角,選取[工具] 按鈕,然後選取[關於Internet Explorer]。

Which version of Internet Explorer am I using?

Learn how to find out which version of Internet Explorer you're using and how to turn on automatic upgrades.

Online Internet Explorer Testing – Get an Online IE

Browserling lets you cross-browser test your websites and web applications in online Internet Explorer versions.

Internet Explorer Testing: Modern IE 6-11, No VMs

Easily test on Internet Explorer Online! Quick access to IE Browser versions (6-11), for testing websites on real desktop & mobile devices. No IE Emulators or ...

What Version of Internet Explorer Do I Have?

To find the Internet Explorer version number, open the browser's menu and then select About Internet Explorer. · Another way is to find the IE ... Step-by-Step: Find the Version... · How to Make Sure IE Is Updated

5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScriptjQuery

1. Open Internet Explorer. 2. Click on the gear icon located at the top right corner of the browser. 3. From the drop-down menu, select “About ...


TestIEallowsyoutopreviewandtestwebsitesinallversionsofEdgeandInternetExplorer(IE6-IE11).Justclickontheextensionfromthe ...,MicrosoftprovidesafreesetofWindowsVirtualPCimagesfortestingvariousversionsofIEonvariousWindowsservicepacks.VirtualPCisalsofree.,1Toaccessthemodes,starttheF12DeveloperTools...2clicktheEmulationiconatthebottom,andchooseaDocumentMode—they'renotnamed ...,OpentheIEbrowser,andcl...