
Clearing IIS Logs at Regular Intervals on Windows Server

Clearing IIS Logs at Regular Intervals on Windows Server · 1.Log in to the Windows Server. · 2.Open the “Internet Information Services (IIS) ...

Deleting IIS logs automatically

Create a Windows scheduled task that will delete the log files regularly. Save the script below as a vbs file on a local directory.

How can I keep IIS log files cleaned up regularly?

I just discovered that IIS builds up logs indefinitely and there don't appear to be any IIS settings that will automatically clean out old log files.

How to automate clearing IIS logs - Knowledge Base

IIS logs are set to be retained without truncation and eventually take up a lot of disk pace. This article provides a way to automate the process of clearing ...

How to Clear IIS Logs on Windows Server 2012 to 2022?

On the IIS server, press CTRL+R to open the Run dialog, type inetmgr, and press Enter or click OK.

IIS Log 排程清除設定

網站上線久了,IIS Log 也會累積不少資料,佔用硬碟空間, 今天發現竟然大到13 GB 的文字檔, 為了避免麻煩, 馬上找Google 一下如何設定Log 的清除 ...

IIS Logs cleanup

A simple solution as that link indicates is to use the task scheduler to run a script to purge the old files.

IIS日志文件越来越大导致C盘空间变小处理方法- 时光巷尾

处理方法二:建立任务计划程序定时清除日志 · 1.创建.bat脚本 · 2.在任务计划程序里面自动调用上面的脚本定时清除日志 · 公告 · 个人信息 · 日历 · 搜索 · 常用 ...

Tips to manage IIS log files

1) Launch a command prompt using Run as administrator. · 2) Stop IIS with below command: iisreset /stop · 3) Browse to C:-inetpub-logs-Logfiles- ...

管理IIS 記錄檔儲存體

IIS 記錄檔預設會儲存在 %SystemDrive%-inetpub-logs-LogFiles IIS 伺服器的資料夾中。 資料夾是在伺服器或個別網站的[記錄] 頁面上的[目錄] 屬性中設定。


ClearingIISLogsatRegularIntervalsonWindowsServer·1.LogintotheWindowsServer.·2.Openthe“InternetInformationServices(IIS) ...,CreateaWindowsscheduledtaskthatwilldeletethelogfilesregularly.Savethescriptbelowasavbsfileonalocaldirectory.,IjustdiscoveredthatIISbuildsuplogsindefinitelyandtheredon'tappeartobeanyIISsettingsthatwillautomaticallycleanoutoldlogfiles.,IISlogsaresettoberetainedwithouttruncat...