
How to Get iMessage on a Windows PC

You can use some third-party apps to send and receive iMessage on Windows, including Phone Link, an official Microsoft app.

iMessage for Windows

iMessage for Windows: No. But, with Windows 11, you can use the app called Phone Link. Learn More here: Use Phone Link to Sync Your Android or iPhone - ...

iMessage for windows 10

Unfortunately there is no iMessage compatible application for Windows. However, you could use other third-party applications which are multi-platform.


步驟1.在你的Windows 電腦上下載並安裝Windows Phone Link。 · 步驟2.在電腦上啟動Phone Link,並在啟動畫面中點選iPhone。 · 步驟3. 依照螢幕上的指示透過 ...

在Windows 11 10 8 7 上使用iMessage 的3 種方法

方法1:使用Chrome遠程桌面在Windows上下載iMessage應用程序 · 方法2:使用iPadian在Windows PC上安裝Apple的消息應用程序 · 方法3:越獄後在Windows PC上獲取 ...


第1步: 從Microsoft Store 下載並安裝Phone Link 應用程式到Windows 11 PC 上。 第2步: 在iPhone 上下載安裝「連結至Windows」應用程式。 第3步: 在PC ...

How to send and receive Apple's iMessages in Windows

In Windows 10 or 11, click the Start button, go to the list or menu of all your apps, and select Phone Link. If you can't find the app or ...

如何在PC 上獲取iMessage:簡單安全的方法

步驟1請訪問iPadian 官方網站ipadian.net。 之後,您將看到網頁的下載界面。 稍後請點擊下載適用於Windows 網頁中央的按鈕。 單擊 ...

Windowns也能使用iMessage 如何設定一次看

在Windows 上管理iMessage. 若要在Windows 上下載Phone Link,需要1.23012.169.0 或更高版本,而iPhone 則需要運行iOS 14.0 或更高版本,因此在開始 ...

Download iMessage on PC

If you are asking how to use iMessage on a Windows PC you can't. IMessage is an Apple messaging app used between Apple device users. Messages ...


Youcanusesomethird-partyappstosendandreceiveiMessageonWindows,includingPhoneLink,anofficialMicrosoftapp.,iMessageforWindows:No.But,withWindows11,youcanusetheappcalledPhoneLink.LearnMorehere:UsePhoneLinktoSyncYourAndroidoriPhone- ...,UnfortunatelythereisnoiMessagecompatibleapplicationforWindows.However,youcoulduseotherthird-partyapplicationswhicharemulti-platform.,步驟1.在你的Windows電腦上下載...